LCS PREMIUM SeMeGe Postat August 30, 2019 LCS PREMIUM Postat August 30, 2019 Description Gives player who hits noscope x credits Dependencies Zephyrus Store CVARS // Print credits messages to chat? 0 to disable. // - // Default: "1" sm_ns_chatmsg "1" // Amount of credits to give to users noscoping enemy who is above 15 mtrs away. 0 to disable. // - // Default: "60" sm_ns_noscope_above15mtrs "60" // Amount of credits to give to users noscoping enemy who is below 15 mtrs away. 0 to disable. // - // Default: "30" sm_ns_noscope_below15mtrs "30" // Weapons to count for Noscope. 1 = awp, 2 = scout, any other integer = both // - // Default: "3" sm_ns_noscopeweapon "3" Installation Put plugins folder in your gameserver. Change map/Restart server. Edit "cruze_creditsfornoscope" located in "cfg/sourcemod" Download Sursa Plugin
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