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Kobra a câștigat ziua ultima dată pe Decembrie 5 2022

Kobra a avut cel mai apreciat conținut!

Despre Kobra

  • Dată Naștere 23.10.1995

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    Detinator CS.LEAGUECS.RO

Configurații server

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  • 4 ani de LeagueCS Rar
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  1. Yes,play with one of the clients I gave you in the first post.
  2. It is your scan,in wargods you can search someone by steamid or ip and you can't be wrong. This is the scan : scan then go to configs and you will find all those cfgs I talk about.
  3. The screenshot is from your last wargods scan , even if the scan says 'No Cheat Signature Detected' , you can still scroll through someone's cfgs and that's how he found all those cfgs which I think that are from the video card but given the fact that you play good with a high number of lines cfg that we can't check,that is mainly the reason the admin banned you. As I said above I suggest you to use one of those clients (both of them have built-in anticheat) ,if you do so I can assist you with moving the server rank to the new STEAMID.
  4. I think he banned you for this specific cfgs : which may or may not be in cstrike but that's how wargods work. I suggest you to completely reinstall the game with a clean one.
  5. Bannere mici in care sa se vada graficul,ranking si ore jucate.
  6. Din pacate doar pentru cateva ore,pentru ca cineva da spam report serverelor iar cei cu mult cap ce administreaza acel site au considerat ca serverele noastre chiar trebuie sterse , nu si cele cateva mii de redirecte. Sunt de-a dreptul scarbit iar daca cineva are cunostinte / intentie sa incercam sa facem un tracker pt 1.6 asemanator sa-mi scrie.
  7. Vreau sa mi fie schimbat dns-ul si bannerele peste tot pe ip-ul va rog
  8. Doresc revocarea accesului de manager de server lui ak*69 - LEAGUECS - ROMÂNIA
  9. Schimba si ip-ul serverului cs din serverlist-ul de pe main page te rog :
  10. Doresc scoaterea gradului de moderare pe categoria cs lui si stergerea accesului de pe teamspeak
  11. Doresc schimbarea dns-ului pe ip
  12. Doresc redenumirea categoriei MIXCS.LEAGUECS.RO in "Mariri / Degradari / Avertismente" si stergerea bannerului + mutarea acestei noi categorii sub "CS Reclamatii"
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