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    Marea Britanie

Orice postat de kidd0x

  1. Do you want to be VIP? Here's everything you need to know BENEFITS More damage ammo and points 300 HP and 200 AP at spawn 4 jumps Rays (you can see zombies and humans thru the walls) VIP tag in ScoreBoard Special VIP player model CONTACT FORMS Forum Profile: @Ballantines WhatsApp: +40769599357 Discord: .ballantines PAYMENTS METHODS PayPal: Click Bank transfer PaySafeCard
  2. Your nickname: You current tag: The new tag you want: Link to the last tag / change-tag request:
  3. Your nickname: You Rank on the server: The tag you want: Link to the hours you played on the server (CLICK HERE RULES You must have played at least 10 hours. The tag must not be obscene or disturbing to other players The tag cannot be the same as another player's.
  4. Use this model if you want to apply as an Administrator Your nickname: Your Discord: Age: Languages you can speak (English is mandatory) : Your country: Experience as an administrator (Last Server - GameTracker link - if it's still online): Can you stay as a spectator or play between these hours (12:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.): Link to the hours you played on the server (CLICK HERE - Write your nickname) Reason why you want to be an administrator: Are you active on our Discord server SilentHellZM and will you be active on the staff chat channel (link)?: Administrator - Password (Read the administrator - Rules to find it): RULES: You must have played at least 30 hours. You must follow all the rules of the server, administrators, and players. You must be active on the Forum and Discord. You must be active on the server for at least 2 and 3 hours on the server every day. You must have been playing on this server for the last 1/2 consecutive weeks (play, don't stay idle!) You must understand and be able to write in English (good/semi-good). You must respect the subject - Title: "[Admin Application] Your name here" Only one request is allowed every 7 days.
  5. Numele tău : kidd0x NickName TS3 : kidd0x Vechime TS3 : din 2018 cred UniqueID : vG+cqFXpaaPJ56eRQ84N/x21dxA=
  6. Ca tot e ziua mea, primul detinator de server de pe lcs care imi da mesaj il primeste gratis (singura conditie e ca serverul sa nu fie genul 0/32) (nu mai e valabil)
  7. Baiat neserios, nu faceti afaceri cu el ✌️

  8. Ce face mai exact? Folosind un bot de discord si un script de tip .amxx, conectezi serverul de cs la cel de discord. Poti trimite mesaje de pe discord pe cs si viceversa (Live Chat) Poti trimite comenzi de tip amx_(si nu numai) de pe discord Poti verifica profilul de steam al jucatorilor de pe server in timp real cu un singur click Pe un canal separat odata la un interval de timp se anunta harta curenta si o imagine a hartii, numarul de playeri conectati si cat timp a ramas din harta Banlist live pe Discord pe un canal separat Daca un player tasteaza /help va anunta adminii (va da tag la gradul de admini '@Admini' sau oricare ar fi) pe un canal anume Pluginul dispune de loguri pentru a vedea cine si ce comanda a trimis de pe Discord Pretul este de 25€ pentru serverele neafiliate comunitatii LeagueCS si 15€ pentru serverele afiliate. (Se va primii : scriptul / pluginul .amxx si botul de discord) * VPS-ul se cumpara separat de catre cel care cumpara sistemul (maxim 1-2e un vps care sa duca botul) * Instalarea si configurarea o fac eu si ofer suport in limita bunului simt Poze : PS : Nu este reclama !! PS2: Topic refacut, si fara offtopic va rog
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