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TAZ a câștigat ziua ultima dată pe Iulie 8 2021

TAZ a avut cel mai apreciat conținut!

Despre TAZ

  • Dată Naștere 06.09.1988

Câmpuri de profil

  • Titlul de membru
    Manager CSGO.LEAGUECS.RO& Supervizor MIX-AREA

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1.246 citiri profil

Realizările lui TAZ


GOLD III (12/25)

  • 4 ani de LeagueCS Rar
  • 3 ani de LeagueCS Rar
  • 2 ani de LeagueCS
  • 1 an de LeagueCS

Insigne recente


Reputație Comunitate

  1. TAZ

    [ CSGO ] - Banlist TAZ

    Ban Information Name: Coroama Cristian AntrenoruL IP: Reason: Unban Time: Permanent Ban 05/11/2024 20:49
  2. Okay mate see you in 3 weeks. Goodluck on your sport.
  3. asta e demo-ul i-am explicat si i-am oferit optiuni pt poze. Putem incerca un pro unban dar my god i-a luat 30 de zile sa faca o cerere de unban
  4. ti-a luat 21 de zile sa faci o cerere de unban? :)))) eu mor pe voi. Am sa ma uit la demo-ul de la munca si dau maine pro sau contra
  5. with 5 hours played i would say pass
  6. nope for me also
  7. meh lets try
  8. TAZ

    [ CSGO ] - Banlist TAZ

    Ban Information Name: klan SteamID: STEAM_1:0:428497241 Reason: aim+wall Unban Time: Permanent Ban Data si Ora : 23/09/ 21:42
  9. don't think he will be a good addition to the team, from what i have seen on the server
  10. TAZ

    [ CSGO ] - Banlist TAZ

    Ban Information Name: PrivoTikka SteamID: STEAM_1:1:2128763368 Reason: Unban Time: Permanent Ban ora si data: 16.09.2024 20:50
  11. TAZ

    [ CSGO ] - Banlist TAZ

    Ban Information Name: Ion aka ubby, a schimbat numele si a reintrat IP: Reason: noss+nowg Unban Time: Permanent Ban
  12. regulament necitit
  13. Nickname:TAZ Tag Custom: your soul is mine Ore jucate:24 LINK ore GTRS:
  14. don't think you have what it takes to be an admin
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