1.Your name on server: [PWNST] Gamesicek 2.Your real name: Alex 3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 3-6 +- 4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: I was already the part of the team but i got kicked out for misunderstanding, so i want to come back and repair the mistakes. I think I am a good Helper/Admin or whatever, i just wanna help people play cs 1.6 without cheaters or toxic players, help people with something they don't know 5.Your age: 17 6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: I'm a chill guy with a passion for helping others, I like to do stuff that helps other people and trying to be good to everyone. I am almost always positive minded and people love the energy what i give to them.