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    Republica Cehă

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  • Server & Games

Realizările lui the_nick


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Your Nickname: Nick IP: STEAMID: idk Reason for ban: without reason (admin: D@n is just sick dickhead who bans people without reason) Admin who banned you: D@n Approximate time: idk Your evidence (Print on console): i cant make screenshot i dont know why Hello, It's me Nick, I would like to report very bad behaviour of you admin D@n which is fuckin idiot. I play on your server NORD.LEAGUECS.RO (Snow map) on regular basis and also I do bring players to play on your server with me... And this wanker D@n is nonstop killing me without shooting, putting me into spectators and now he banned me for no reason! I play normal and he is disturbing me with some nonsense... he writes me something like "post this image" .... I dont know what it means and I don't even care. If I play, I play and I don't mind about anything that he wants me to do against my will. Please unban me and take his admin power from him because your server is loosing players because of him. Wanting for your reply! Thank you, Nick
  2. Hello, It's me Nick, I would like to report very bad behaviour of you admin D@n which is fuckin idiot! Sorry to hear that but I always tell the truth. I play on your server NORD.LEAGUECS.RO (Snow map) on regular basis and also I do bring players to play on your server with me... And this wanker D@n is nonstop putting me into spectators and now he banned me for no reason! I play normal and he is disturbing me with some nonsense... he writes me something like "post this image" .... I dont know what it means and I don't even care. If I play, I play and I don't mind about anything that he wants me to do against my will. That's me IP: Please unban me and take his admin power from him because your server is loosing players because of him. Wanting for your reply! Thank you, Nick
  3. Ahoj, To jsem já nicku, rád bych nahlásil velmi špatné chování vašeho admina d@n, což je zasraný idiot, omloouvám se, že to slyším, ale vždy říkám pravdu! Hraji na vašem serveru NORD.LEAGUECS.RO (sněhová mapa) pravidelně a také přivádím hráče, aby si se mnou zahráli na váš server... A tenhle blázen D@n mě pořád dává mezi diváky a teď mi to bezdůvodně zakázal! Normálně hraju a on mě vyrušuje nějakými nesmysly... píše něco jako "post this image".... Nevím, co to znamená a je mi to jedno. Když hraju, hraju a nevadí mi nic, co po mně chce, abych udělal proti mé vůli. Toto je moje IP: Prosím, zrušte mi zákaz a odeberte mu administrátorskou moc, protože váš server kvůli němu ztrácí hráče. Čekání na vaši odpověď! Děkuji, Nicku.
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