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Realizările lui AYYAn


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Numele dvs: HI=BY Numele adminului reclamat: Leoo Data si ora: 1/22/2025 Motiv reclamatie:banning me without reason and without photo wnd without asking me any word Dovada (Print la consola sau demo) : ************************************************ Ban Information Name: HI=BY IP: Reason: cheater Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: Leoo Admin SteamID: STEAM_1:0:57155187 If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to our website: ************************************* PLZ ONLY FOUNDERS REPLY ME ! te-n_cing Plz UNBAN ME Only ADMIN Leoo banning me every time
  2. Nick:HI=BY IP: SteamID:STEAM_1:0:57155187 Data:1/22/2025 Adminul care te-a banat: Leoo Motiv: cheater Dovada: he dont get any picture to me just i go to server after 1 months and i say hi all and i saw message of Bye by Leoo and i got ban:(
  3. Nick:HI=BY IP: SteamID:STEAM_1:0:57155187 Data:1/22/2025 Adminul care te-a banat: Leoo Motiv: cheater Dovada:bro te-n_cing if u want download supremo and get my code and come see my PC i dont hack i am an old player of ur server when spumapentrubarbaa is playing i am also playing i know Log i know Cristy :x Nerv1 :I swear to MY mother i can't hack
  4. Nick:HI=BY IP: SteamID:STEAM_1:0:57155187 Data:1/22/2025 Adminul care te-a banat: Leoo Motiv: cheater Dovada:bro te-n_cing if u want download supremo and get my code and come see my PC i dont hack i am an old player of ur server when spumapentrubarbaa is playing i am also playing i know Log i know Cristy :x Nerv1 :I swear to MY mother i can't hack
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