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    Macedonia de Nord

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Realizările lui vezenko0009


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. He don"t have them
  2. here is link
  3. I applay for my friend he can't logon to forum
  4. Your nickname:marko010 Your STEAM ID: 76561199520815263 The reason why you got banned:idk he just banned me for no reasno The admin who banned you:i don't remember Proofs : DEMO/Video/Screnshots i don't have
  5. I have reade the rules FUN ON TOP
  6. Steam On
  7. Your nickname: Viktor Age:16 Discord:Yes i have joined Steam ON/OFF [SteamID if applicable]:Yes Link with hours played [click here]: 300minutes Admin experience:Yes i have been admin before on this server ileft beacuse i have privete problmes Why do you want admin on our server?: I want admin on this server beacuse i want to help other playes and to punish players that use cheats. Day/night admin?:Depends beacuse I work Have you read the rules?:Yes
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