Server Name: Dimi028`
Date of birth: 7.12.2005
Age: 18, soon 19
Hours played + GT link (Click): 5h for now,`/
How much do you know about amxx ?: 50% forgot a lot
Have you been an admin before? And if so, for how long ?: yes on balkan jailbreak servers back in 2017, not since then
Night / day activity: 2-3h daily, more on night because of studying on university rn
Steam ON / OFF: On
Contact: dimke028 Discord
Why do you want this degree: I saw that server need new admins, I found friends and learned server quickly so I wanted to help the team and staff make it even better and more correct with my duties
What attracts you to our server and why did you choose to play with us ?: I find this csgo mode on cs 1.6 interesting, also found friends in players very quickly staff and players are awesome, I wanted to be a part of the team and decided to stay for long term
Where did u find out about our server?: I played this mode long long ago, like 5 years ago, and now I saw player and now an admin "Voja je" streaming while playing on this server so I wanted to try it, I liked the server and decided to stay and play
Did you read the rules ?: -
Mentions ?: -