Server Name: Ћире
Date of birth: 6.10.2007
Age: 17
Hours played + GT linkЋире/
How much do you know about amxx ?: 9/10
Have you been an admin before? On csgo classy servers 2 times for 1,5 years on other servers and on other gamemods 3+ years
Night / day activity: both,night and day
Steam ON / OFF: off but when discount comes i will buy it
Contact: ciretata Discord
Why do you want this degree: Because i want to fell the old energy of romanian csgo servers and to fell the old community
What attracts you to our server and why did you choose to play with us ?: Best script so far,much people(that are not bots) and good community
Where did u find out about our server?: Friends told me
Did you read the rules ?: -
Mentions ?: -