Server Name: onlyzele ;x
Date of birth: 29.07.2004.
Age: 20
Hours played + GT link (Click): %3Bx/
How much do you know about amxx ?: Every single command, have 12+ expirience in amxx
Have you been an admin before? And if so, for how long ?: Yes, couple times (15-20) and i had 6 mine servers in past
Night / day activity: Both
Steam ON / OFF: ON
Contact: zekv3 on dc
Why do you want this degree: Help other players, and help the server's community.
What attracts you to our server and why did you choose to play with us ?: Skins, and good community, greathfull players, and some other good things about server
Where did u find out about our server?: Server poped up on gametracker list so i give it try and i wasn't dissapointed
Did you read the rules ?: -
Mentions ?: -