Server Name: OPPO
Date of birth: 31/08/2005
Age: 19
Hours played + GT link (Click):
How much do you know about amxx ?: All cmds
Have you been an admin before? And if so, for how long ?: i've been admin in 2 servers for a long time but these server are closed and i play cs for
3 to 6 per day and in holiday i play all day
Steam ON / OFF: OFF (I have cs 1.6 in steam but i don't play with it because when i use it my ping will be high and i don't know why fps is not good too)
Contact: oppo_oppo / Discord
Why do you want this degree: to help the community & other players because i hate cheating so much and i wanna to play normal with good people
What attracts you to our server and why did you choose to play with us ?: I played CSGO and i loved CS 2 too this is the reason to play in cs 1.6 with csgo change
Where did u find out about our server?: by a search in GT
Did you read the rules ?: yes i read
Mentions ?: none