I hopped onto the server and started playing, but pretty soon, K1dz0r killed me twice through walls, which made me suspicious. I checked the scoreboard and saw he had 180 kills and only 6 deaths, that was an instant red flag. So, I decided to spectate him for about 5 minutes, and yep, the wall shooting kept going non stop.
Instead of jumping to conclusions, I asked him politely for a WG scan, just to make sure everything was legit, and I didn’t even issue a ban at that point.
But as soon as I asked, he started insulting me "You are a bot" "Ok, Idiot" "Sure, retard", and so on. I stayed calm and asked again, but he refused, which just made me more suspicious. When I mentioned that not providing the scan might cause issues, he arrogantly said that’s only my problem.
K1dz0r you've received ban for 8 hours, and you will be unbanned after the ban expires, I asked you nicely to submit a scan; you didn't plus you disrespected me in a such unethical way.
This does not have anything to do of you being first on the list, and I even gave you my congrats on it.
Consider this ban as a warning, since you should have gotten the permanent one instead because you've failed to provide me with what I asked.
And the disrespect and words that you've used are disgusting.
Till next time.