Your Nickname: Nephilym
Your Address Discord, Steam: Denis_T#2590
Age (you must have or be older than 17 years): 33
Languages That You Can Speak: English, Romanian, Bosnian-Serbian-Croation, (a bunch of others that i can communicate in but not speaking fluently)
Your Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Experience as Admin: I've been admin on several servers but that was at least 7 or 8 years ago, after that i haven't been a part of administration teams.
You joined our Discord Community server ? Click Here : (obligatory u must join our discord to be a part of our staff) Yes
Can You Stay a Spectator or Play Between These Hours (22:00 to 12:00 )? : Spectator yes. Play, not always.
Link Of Hours You Played On Server:
Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I want to help the server control the players that bluntly disrespect server rules and ruin the game expirience for others.
Other Information for Your Request: None, thank you for the time taken reading this.