Server Name:stefiaimbots
Date of birth:21.07.2008
Hours played:10h30m + GT link
How much do you know about amxx ? not to much but i know basics:
Have you been an admin before? One time
And if so, for how long ? Probably 4-5 weeks:
Night / day activity day to night :
Steam ON / OFF:Im steam OFF
Why do you want this degree:I think I'm more mature and smarter than the first time
What attracts you to our server and why did you choose to play with us ?:I got a new computer and now it doesn't bother me like it did on my old one and I can devote myself to games and entertainment like before. The people are ready, the admins are honest with you and are there when you need them.
Where did u find out about our server:On gametracker
Did you read the rules ?:new era
Mentions ?:new beggining