Tip conținut
Orice postat de iAmLawrence
Numele d-vs: Laurentiu IP server: DNS: ZP.LeagueCs.Ro Tipul jocului (CS:GO, CS2, CS 1.6, SAMP): Cs 1.6 Modul serverului: Zombie Plague 6.0 Număr de sloturi: 32 Firmă găzduire: freakHosting Deținători Principali (numele de pe forum): iAmLawrence Deținători Secundari (numele de pe forum): denis2024 Link Thegamestracker: https://www.gametracker.rs/server_info/ Adresa de contact (mail, facebook, steam): lacatuslaure@gmail.com Ce tip de server de voce folosești? (TS3, Discord): Nu folosesc De unde ai auzit de LEAGUECS ROMANIA? (Facebook, Google, Recomandat de ..)*: Am mai avut server tot aici in comunitate, si vreau sa imi iau revanșa deoarece nu am avut timp sa ma ocup data trecută.
ADMIN RULES ⤪ COMMAND ⤨ Never forget just Prince co-owner´s and owner´s can use commands on other admin world rules. BAN insulting family or religion attempting to start racist topics (Permanently Ban) Retry after received gag, followed by more abuse in chat. (30 minute Ban) Retry Zombie if the zombie was the only Zombie, First one or The last one (60 minutes Ban) Using bunny hop, no recoil or any other hacks. (Permanently Ban) Makeing Publicity with others Server ( Permanent Ban ) Spamming begging for ammo or points ( 60 minutes Ban ) Binds are not accepted on this server only with The Server ( Permanent Ban ) GAG Inappropriate language, spam, annoying commercials or offensive remarks. Repeat silly questions or statements, asks for mods, jets, admin, FREE. ( WARNING before ) Flooding in chat. SLAP Blocking unintentionally / unconsciously. (Maxim 3 slaps) Players who are on the map, if they continues, use slay. (Maxim 3 slaps) Slap zombies who are not attacking in last two minutes of the round, otherwise let them have FREE game. (3 slaps) It is forbidden to use slap command with damage. SLAY Breaking objects before infection or breaking lasers without reason. Slay who is blocking after giving 3 slaps. Slay zombies who are not attacking in last two minutes after giving 3 slaps. Who buy or Get Made form Server sniper/survivor without a delay of 2 maps. At plague mod if nemesis is afk or let FREE. Who Text Map (3 Slap Then Slay) Zombies are not Allow to Kill Last Human With He ( Grenade ) Survivor/Sniper/Wesker/Terminator - Dont Use Jetpack vs all zombies , Only Vs Mode Allowed to use Jetpack Single Mode not ! VOTEMAP Can't 2 times in a row use same maps (warn,if continues,remove!) After the default vote that appears automatically consult with others about vote options. In the end of the new vote that was made by an admin, should be chosen "Change it right next map ...(option number 2)". You must ask in chat admins players if change ! By using /lastmaps, Admin's should change different map's.** ** COMMAND ZP RESPAWN.ZOMBIE.HUMAN Only if two rounds from the map starting have passed and the current mode is normal infection, Using amx_zombie and amx_human is allowed twice per map. One for for yourself and one for a player! NEMESIS, ASSASSIN, SNIPER, SURVIVOR, Terminator, Predator, Bombardier , Samurai , Wesker Twice each 24 hours, you can use it one time for you only!! Its Forbidden to be used on another admin. Its Forbidden to buy another mode in same map if you turned yourself or player. Do not put in your name any characters like this (&"'(-èççà)=*. and spaces rifle.gif All administrators are asked to read the rules carefully as breaking them could lead to the removal of an administrator**
⪼PLAYER RULES⪻ GAGS Players who continuously Spam (6 min). Players who keep on asking for Ammo/Mods/Jetpack will receive a warning followed by Gag (6 min). Players who Insult (12 min). Players who abuse in English or any other language (12 min). Insulting or disrespectful remarks eg. Noob, idiot, or any word that is offensive or disrespectful (6 min). ↭ SLAP/Slay ↭ Players who are under Map or above the limit where zombies/humans can't reach! (Maximum 3 Slap than Slay) Zombies who are camping to extend the Round (3 Slap ---> Slay). Zombies who are not moving ( 2 Slaps --- Freezing ) SLAY After a Player has bought a Mod, you need to wait 2 Round's to buy your Mod, if you bought a Mod and you didn't wait 2 Round's you will receive a Slay. Players who Block or Zombies which Camp will receive Slay. If someone buys Nemesis and kills everyone but protects an enemy, receives Slay. Giving free in Armageddon Round with Nemesis is not allowed and will be followed by Slay. Those who shoot or destroy other people's /lm. Using /lm (Laser Mine) on Afk Zombies is forbidden , and will lead to a Slay. Only allowed during Survivor mod. During Armageddon, any nemesis with a grade lower than Co-Owner not using auto-attack will be given slay. KLILLING Last Zombie can"t be killed with Kill Bomb or Kill the Last Human . FREEZE If Zombies Don't Attack in Mods (Plague, Nightmare, Sniper, Survivor, Swarm) then they get Slay. If Zombies Camp in Water they receive Freeze then slay if they are the last Zombies in last seconds! BAN Players who Retry after Gag (60 Minutes). Players who are using Madness when they are Zombies (50 Minutes). Players who Retry as Last Zombie (1 Hour ). Players who use Hacks/Scripts (6000 Minutes/Permanent). Players who advertise other Servers (Permanent). Players who Insult God/ Religion/ Any part of the Family/ Any other extreme insults (Permanent). Players who use Bhop/Strafe (4000 Minutes). NOTES It is forbidden to use any kind of Hacks/Scripts It's forbidden to take human mod map after map. Human mods can only be bought every second map. eg. if you bought sniper one map, you can only buy a zombie mod the next map, and will be allowed to buy a human mod again the map after. Also it is forbidden to buy/ receive 2 mods in the same map. If you receive mod from an admin or from the server you cannot buy mod again that map using ammo/ points. Will lead to slay Zombie mods can be bought map after map Hiding is only mandatory during survivor mod. During sniper mod, it is not compulsory to hide. Insults and disrespectful remarks are strictly prohibited. Any admin caught insulting anyone will be suspended or removed depending on the severity. Players will receive gag Any player/admin with a grade lower than co-owner will be kicked after staying afk for more than 1 hour without auto attack. Buying human mod 2 maps in a row is forbidden (Players/Admins--Anyone caught will be warned/slayed/suspended/removed) If server or admin gives you mod it's forbidden to buy again mod in the same map (you will receive slay), if you buy mod and then server gives you mod it is luck, so you will not be slayed.
Hello members, here I will leave the rules about zombie mods in the menu. Note: Note: Remember that if you use zp you can only use it 1-2 times a day. Ammos Packs: Assassin: Use it 1 time per map. Nemesis: Use it 1 time Sniper: Use it 2 times for Day. [It is mandatory to hide or you will be given a direct slay] - He will be given x3 warning slap and if he does not hide, he will be given a direct slay and you have to tell him. Survivor (supravieţuitor) Use it 2 times for Day. [It is mandatory to hide or you will be given a Slaps] - He will be given x3 warning slap and if he does not hide, he will be given a direct slay and you have to tell him. Death Grenade: use it 2 times per map. Infection Grenade: Everything is allowed [You can kill the last human with that grenade] - it is optional because they are your main packs. Points: Bombardier: Use it 2 times for day. Hybrid: Use it 2 times for day. Terminator: Use it 2 times for day. Samurai: Use it 2 times for day. Synapsis Use it 1 times for day. Grenadier Use it 2 times for day. Witchy 1 time for day . Predator 1 time for a day Renevant 1 time for a day. Dragon 1 time for a day . Remember that we are monitoring the commands they use through the server panel, if you do not comply with these rules you will be suspended or eliminated.
Titlul topicului trebuie sa fie "Cerere tag nume" - Nickname: - Tag dorit: - Ai citit regulamentul?: -Cerinte -Minim 15 ore -Regulament citit si respectat
*Topic title should be "Tag request name" - Nickname: - Desired tag: - Did you read the rules?: -NEED TO KNOW -You need 15h minimum activity -You have to read the rules
Nume: Nickname: POINTS: IP: SteamID: Numele celui care te-a banat: Motivul pentru care ai fost banat: Dovada(poza/demo/video): Alte mentiuni:
Name: Nickname: Levels: IP: SteamID: Name of the person who banned you: Reason you were banned: Proof (picture/demo/video): Other mentionName: Nickname: Points: IP: SteamID: Name of the person who banned you: Reason you were banned: Proof (picture/demo/video): Other mentions:
Model cerere admin [1]. Nume: [2]. Nick server: [3]. Varsta: [4]. POINTS: [5]. Ore jucate [6]. Ai citit regulamentul?: [7]. De ce doresti admin?: !!! Cerinte pe care trebuie sa le indepliniti pentru a face cerere de admin : 1. Trebuie sa aveti minim 30 de ore jucate pe server. 2. Varsta minima pentru a putea face o cerere de admin este de 16 ani. - Daca nu indepliniti aceaste conditii , cererea va fi RESPINSA.
Admin request model [1]. Name: [2]. Server Nick: [3]. Age: [4]. Points: [5]. Hours played [6]. Have you read the rules?: [7]. Why do you want admin?: !!! Requirements you must fulfill to apply for admin: 1. You must have at least 30 hours played on the server. 2. The minimum age to be able to make an admin request is 16 years. - If you do not meet these conditions, the application will be REJECTED.
Salutare membrii, aici voi lăsa regulile despre modurile zombie din meniu. Notă: rețineți că, dacă utilizați zp, îl puteți folosi doar de 1-2 ori pe zi. Cu pachete de muniție: Assassin: Folosește-l o dată pe hartă. Nemesis: Folosește-l o dată pe hartă. Sniper: Folosește-l de 2 ori pe zi [Este obligatoriu să te ascunzi sau ți se va da palme] - I se va da o palmă de avertisment x3 și dacă nu se ascunde, i se va da direct SLAY. Survivor(Supraviețuitor) Folosește-l de 2 ori pentru Zi. [Este obligatoriu să te ascunzi sau ți se va da palme] - I se va da o palmă de avertisment x3 și dacă nu se ascunde, i se va da direct SLAY. Death Grenade: folosește-o de 2 ori pe hartă. Granada de infecție: Totul este permis [Puteți ucide ultimul om cu acea grenadă] - este opțional deoarece sunt pachetele dvs. principale. Puncte: [POINTS] Bombardier: îl poți cumpăra 2 ori pe zi. Hibrid: îl poți cumpăra de 2 ori pe zi. Terminator: îl poți cumpăra de 2 ori pe zi. Samurai: îl poți cumpăra de 2 ori pe zi. Synapsis îl poți cumpăra de 2 ori pe zi. Grenadier îl poți cumpăra de 2 ori pe zi. Witchy doar o singură dată. Predator doar o singură dată. Renevant doar o singură dată. Dragon doar o singură dată. Amintiți-vă că monitorizăm comenzile pe care le folosiți prin intermediul panoului de server, dacă nu respectați aceste reguli veți fi suspendați sau eliminați.
Numele d-vs: Laurentiu IP server: DNS: zmQueen.LeagueCs.Ro Tipul jocului (CS:GO, CS2, CS 1.6, SAMP): cs 1.6 Modul serverului: Zombie Queen Număr de sloturi: 32 Firmă găzduire: neoserver Deținători Principali (numele de pe forum): iAmLawrence Deținători Secundari (numele de pe forum): Pl34r Link Thegamestracker: https://thegamestracker.com/server/1027 Adresa de contact (mail, facebook, steam): lacatuslaure@gmail.com Ce tip de server de voce folosești? (TS3, Discord): discord De unde ai auzit de LEAGUECS ROMANIA? (Facebook, Google, Recomandat de ..)*: Facebook