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108 citiri profil

Realizările lui R3man


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. R3man


    (1)name (moustafa) (2)nickserver (R3) (3)age(16) (4)level (18) (5) hours(243 ore) (6)did you read the rules (natasha) (7)why you want admin (to help player and make the server better (8) how you english (good)
  2. R3man


    [1]name [moustafa] [2]nickname [R3] [3] age [16] [4]level [16] [4]how your english [good] [5] are read the rules[yes for the third time i swear] [6]hours playing [3-2hours] [7] why do you want be admin [i want be admin for bunish who preak the rules when no admin doesnt be there and help player ]
  3. R3man


    [1]name [moustafa] [2]nickname [R3] [3] age [16] [4]level [16] [4]how your english [good] [5] are read the rules[yes twice i swear] [6]hours playing [3-2hours] [7] why do you want be admin [i want be admin for bunish who preak the rules when no admin doesnt be there and help player ]
  4. R3man


    [1]name [moustafa] [2]nickname [R3] [3] age [16] [4]level [16] [4]how your english [good] [5] are read the rules[yes twice] [6]hours playing [3-2hours] [7] why do you want be admin [i want be admin for bunish who preak the rules when no admin doesnt be there and help player ]
  5. R3man


    [1]NAME moustafa [2] nickname [R3] [3]age [16] [4]level [16] [5]my english [good in english] [6]have you read the rules [yes twice] [7]hours play [3h in day] [8] why you want to be admin [i want to be admin for helping the player and bunish who preaks the rules [9] server name [zm mode zm evolution]
  6. R3man


    [1]name [moustafa] [2]nickname [R3] [3] age [16] [4]level [16] [5] server [zm zm evolution] [6] i want be admin to help other player and support them and be fair and make the gamemore poupler
  7. R3man


    [1]my name[R3] [2]server name[zm mode zm evolution] [3]level[15] [4] age[16] [5] i want be admin for helping players and support them and make the game more populer
  8. R3man


    [1]name:[moustafa] [2] nick server[R3] [3] age [16] [4] level [13] [5] hours play [2-3] [6] yes i read the rules very good [7] i want be admin for helping people [8] my english i good
  9. R3man


    hey man my name in server is R3 my real name is moustafa i can stay 2 to 3 hours i want be bart of the team to help players and make the game more popular my age 15 years old me as a player i love all the player in the server and respect them iam kind i love helping and warning player i respect all admins i dont breack the rules i want to be helper i always being greatfull for who helping me and so nice i dont love liers and breakers of rules i break the rules once by mistake and i never did it again
  10. R3man


    hey man i want to be helper i will follow the rules and i will help players and punish who preak the rules and bee nice and do not any thing for the stuff nick name R3 i play in zm zm evolution i wish to make me helper good puy
  11. R3man


    hey man my nick name is R3 iwant to be helper i will ban and kick and slay who not following the rules and i will not do any thing for the staff and i promise be good with players and helping so ihope to make me helper i wish that good puy your player R3 iam play in zm leagucs.Ro zm evolution
  12. R3man


    hey man my nick name is R3 iwant to be helper i will ban and kick and slay who not following the rules and i will not do any thing for the staff and i promise be good with players and helping so ihope to make me helper i wish that good puy your player R3
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