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    Bosnia și Herțegovina

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Realizările lui W0nderful


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Server Name:W0DERFUL Date of birth:21.04 Age:17 Hours played + GT link (Click):22h i 13 min How much do you know about amxx ?: decent Have you been an admin before? And if so, for how long ? Yes for 3 months Night / day activity: both but more at night Steam ON / OFF:Off Contact: nemanja0705_19878 discord Why do you want this degree: because i want to help server, players and to participate in server activities What attracts you to our server and why did you choose to play with us? I like skins, community and friendly players on server Where did u find out about our server?: I found it alone Did you read the rules ?: - Mentions ? -
  2. Topic title: [ CSGO ] - Request Admin Name Server Name:W0DERFUL Date of birth:21.04 Age:17 Hours played + GT link (Click):22h i 13 min How much do you know about amxx ?:Onako Have you been an admin before? And if so, for how long ?Bio sam Admin i bio sam oko 3 mjeseca Night / day activity:I danju ali vise po noci Steam ON / OFF:Off Contact: Why do you want this degree:Zato sto hocu da pomognem na neki nacin i da ucestvujem u tom uredjivanj servera What attracts you to our server and why did you choose to play with us ?:Mnogo me privlaci sto ima skiniva i sto ima dobrog drustva i dobrih igraca Where did u find out about our server?:Sam sam nasao server Did you read the rules ?:Da Mentions ?:
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