Server Name: Master
Date of birth: 13/04/2008
Age: 16
Hours played + GT link (Click):
How much do you know about amxx ?: al ot
Have you been an admin before? And if so, for how long ?: yes i have been admin on 3 server 1 of them for 5 months one of them for 3 monthas and one for 1 month
Night / day activity: both
Steam ON / OFF: OFF
Contact: mastermaster111
Why do you want this degree:i like the game skins maps evrything
What attracts you to our server and why did you choose to play with us ?: i chosed to play is one of the best server to play really great and greate community
Where did u find out about our server?: on gametrackr
Did you read the rules ?: -
Mentions ?: -