[1]. Name :AYOUB
[2]. Nick Server :BoMbAsT!k
[3]. Age :21
[4]. LeveL :20
[5]. Hours played [Click here]:https://www.gametracker.com/player/BoMbAsT!k/zm.leaguecs.ro:27015/
[6]. Did you read the rules ? :Zm#LeagueCS
[7]. Why do you want admin ? : first of all, there is no moroccan admin, so it will make it easier for me to talk to moroccans and arabs, the second thing is that i am old in the server and i think i will be useful and the last thing is that many times i do not find any admin in server , so many players break the rules and this is very bad for other players
[8]. How well do you know English?: m not bad, I also know arabic, darija(moroccan language) , and german