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96 citiri profil

Realizările lui godlike


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Name:alfre IP and SteamID: STEAM_6:1:1872393935 Date and hour: 2024/10/25 13:24 Time: Permanent Reason: advertisement Proof(Demo/Video/Photos)
  2. Name:alfre IP and SteamID: STEAM_6:0:1460050292 Date and hour: 2024/10/21 12:36 Time: Permanent Reason: advertisement Proof(Demo/Video/Photos)
  3. ame:El jefe de jefes IP and SteamID: STEAM_2:0:1850863582 Date and hour: 2024/10/16 16:54 Time: Permanent Reason: No.wg Proof(Demo/Video/Photos)
  4. Name:aapa IP and SteamID: STEAM_6:0:154628210 Date and hour: 2024/10/13 22:18 Time: Permanent Reason: advertisement Proof(Demo/Video/Photos)
  5. Name:SNIPO RITER VIDIM DRAKY IP and SteamID:STEAM_0:1:435185324 Date and hour: 2024/10/13 19:10 Time: Permanent Reason: no.wg Proof(Demo/Video/Photos)
  6. Name:AlinN IP and SteamID:STEAM_0:1:764594356 Date and hour: 2024/10/13 Time: Permanent Reason: abuse of family Proof(Demo/Video/Photos):
  7. Name:Amilkar IP and SteamID:STEAM_6:1:1369427871 Date and hour:2024/10/06 Time:permanent Reason:advertisement Proof(Demo/Video/Photos):
  8. Name:_ip_93.114.82.38 IP and SteamID: STEAM_0:0:791642852 Date and hour:2024/10/05 Time:permanent Reason:advertisement Proof(Demo/Video/Photos):
  9. Name:Joker IP and SteamID:STEAM_0:0:93117901 Date and hour:2024/10/05 Time:20:21 Reason:No.wg Proof(Demo/Video/Photos):
  10. Nickname: GodLike Custom Tag:亗 亗 亗 亗 亗 Hours played:773 Link hours GTRS:
  11. Nickname:GodLike Custom Tag: ♛♛♛♛♛♛ Hours played: 773 Link hours GTRS:
  12. Name:NUKEDEKİKAMYONUNSAHİBİ IP and SteamID: STEAM_0:0:765233561 Date and hour:2024/09/16 Time:17:15 Reason:family injury Proof(Demo/Video/Photos):
  13. Numele tău pe server: GodLike Data de nastere: 1999/29/04 Vârstă: 25 Ore jucate + link GT.RS: 717 Contact: discord-godlike12. De ce doresti VIP: to be pro player Ce vă atrage la serverul nostru și de ce ați ales să jucați cu noi?: i like this servers mod and most of community, and i've played here for a some while now
  14. Numele tău pe server: GodLike Data de nastere: 1999/29/04 Vârstă: 25 Ore jucate + link GT.RS: 717 Contact: discord-godlike12. De ce doresti VIP: to be pro player Ce vă atrage la serverul nostru și de ce ați ales să jucați cu noi?: i like this servers mod and most of community, and i've played here for a some while now
  15. Name:AbouLaylaaaaaaaa IP and SteamID: STEAM_1:1:1056596298 Date and hour:2024/09/08 Time:13:39 Reason:No.wg Proof(Demo/Video/Photos):
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