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Realizările lui 21Fear


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. ENGLISH Your name: Your suggestion: Details(details about the thing you suggested or link if it`s the case):| ROMANIAN Nume: Sugestie: Detalii (detalii despre sugestie sau link daca este cazul):
  2. 21Fear


    ENGLISH Name: Reported player: Reason: Proof: Mentions(optional): Respect the model or the complaint will be ignored! ROMANIAN Nume: Numele celui raportat: Motiv: Dovada: Mentiuni(daca e cazul): Respecta modelul sau reclamatia va fi ignorata!
  3. ENGLISH Your nickname: Age: What`s your nationality?: Why do you want admin?: How many hours per day can you play on the server?: You have experience as admin?: YES/NO Your Gametracker link: []: Respect the model or the request will be denied! ROMANIAN Nume: Varsta: Nationalitate: De ce vrei admin?: Cate ore poti juca zilnic pe server?: Ai experienta ca admin?: DA/NU Link Gametracker: []: Respecta modelul sau cererea va fi respinsa din start!
  4. ENGLISH Name: IP/STEAMID: The admin that banned you: When you got banned?: What other admins were online?: Ban reason: Proof(console with ban information): Mentions(optional): Respect the unban model or the request will be denied! ROMANIAN Nume: IP/STEAMID: Adminul care ti-a dat ban?: Cand ai primit banul?: Ce admini au mai fost on?: Motivul banului: Dovada(poza cu consola care contine informatiile ban-ului): Mentiuni(optional): Respecta modelul de unban sau cererea va fi respinsa din start!
  5. 21Fear


    ESCAPE MODE RULES - ENGLISH [ 1 ] Don't camp on spawn / defend more than it's needed !! Better stick with your team. PENALTY SLAY / KICK / BAN 30-60-120 Minutes. [ 2 ] Don't close / Break on your team : only teamplay !! PENALTY SLAY / KICK / BAN 30-60-120 Minutes. [ 3 ] Don't call too early ; wait for when it`s time to call !! PENALTY SLAY / KICK / BAN 30-60-120 Minutes. [ 4 ] If you discover any bug, please report it to our administration. DO NOT abuse bugs! PENALTY BAN 1000 Minutes on first mistake, PERMANENT BAN on second mistake. [ 5 ] Don't ask for CURRENCY from admins. PENALTY GAG 10-20 Minutes / BAN 360 Minutes. [ 6 ] When the call Button Is Pressed you're only allowed to defend on Escape Zone Not On zombies area or far away From Escape Zone. PENALTY SLAY / KICK / BAN 30-60-120 Minutes [ 7 ] Hacks and scripts are forbidden. PENALTY PERMANENT BAN. [ 8 ] Helping or cooperating with the opposing player is prohibited. PENALTY SLAY / KICK / BAN 60-600 Minutes. [ 9 ] You are not allowed to become a zombie intentionally by letting yourself get infected in any point of the game. PENALTY SLAY / BAN 180-300 Minutes. [ 10 ] Is forbidden to retry every time when you are zombie. PENALTY SLAY / BAN 120-180 Minutes. [ 11 ] Farming is strictly forbidden. PENALTY BAN 1600-3200 Minutes. Side Note : Farming = High chance to lose all your levels!! [ 12 ] Any kind of advertising is forbidden. PENALTY PERMANENT BAN. [ 13 ] If zombies are still in the heli, boat, train or anything related to the escape zone after the round ends means zombies win the round. PENALTY Humans get SLAYED. [ 14 ] Racism or any hate speech to any religion or category of people is forbidden. Inappropriate language is also forbidden. BE RESPECTFUL WITH OTHERS. PENALTY depending of the situation may vary starting from GAG 15-20 Minutes to PERMANENT BAN. [ 15 ] Any kind of DOXXING is forbidden. DOXXING = SHARING Personal information about people on the Internet, often including real name, known aliases, address, phone number, SSN, credit card number, etc. PENALTY PERMANENT BAN [ 16 ] Excessive spam is forbidden. PENALTY GAG 10-20 Minutes [ 17 ] THE GOLDEN RULE: HAVE FUN! ALL WE WANT IS A CLEAN GAME BETWEEN OUR PLAYERS! NOTE: Admins can add rules during the game that are not In the rules. These rules created by the admins have the purpose of balancing the game at the moment In order to not chase the players from the server or to solve any issue that is happening on server. If the administrators abuse this, they will be punished. ESCAPE MODE RULES - ROMANIAN [ 1 ] Nu campa / Face defense mai mult decat este necesar !! Mai bine stai cu echipa ta. PENALIZARE SLAY / KICK / BAN 30-60-120 Minute. [ 2 ] Nu inchide / Sparge pana toti coechipierii tai au trecut. LUCRUL IN ECHIPA ESTE CHEIA PENTRU A CASTIGA! PENALIZARE SLAY / KICK / BAN 30-60-120 Minute. [ 3 ] Este interzis sa apesi butonul de escape prea repede! PENALIZARE SLAY / KICK / BAN 30-60-120 Minute. [ 4 ] Daca descoperi vreun bug esti rugat sa il raportezi administratiei. Este interzis sa abuzezi de buguri! PENALIZARE BAN 3000 minute la prima abatere, urmand ca la a doua abatere BANUL sa fie PERMANENT. [ 5 ] Cersitul de credite sau XP de la admini este interzis. PENALIZARE GAG 10-20 minute / BAN 180 Minute. [ 6 ] Cand butonul de escape este apasat playerii au voie sa faca defense doar din zona de escape. Cine este prins in afara acestei zone va fi sanctionat. PENALIZARE SLAY / KICK / BAN 30-60-120 Minute. [ 7 ] Codurile sau scripturile sunt interzise. PENALIZARE BAN PERMANENT. [ 8 ] Sa ajuti sau sa cooperezi cu echipa inamica este interzis. PENALIZARE SLAY / KICK / BAN 60-600 Minute. [ 9 ] Nu ai voie sa te lasi infectat in niciun punct al jocului. PENALIZARE SLAY / BAN 180-300 Minute. [ 10 ] Este interzis sa te reconectezi de fiecare data cand esti zombie. PENALIZARE SLAY / BAN 120-180 Minute. [ 11 ] Farmul este interzis. PENALIZARE BAN 1600-3200 Minute. Mentiune: Farmul poate duce la pierderea nivelelor. [ 12 ] Orice tip de reclama este interzisa. PENALIZARE BAN PERMANENT. [ 13 ] Daca zombii sunt inca in elicopter, barca, tren sau orice tine de zona sau transportul de escape dupa terminarea rundei, zombii castiga runda. PENALIZARE Oamenii primesc SLAY. [ 14 ] Rasismul sau orice forma de ura asupra unei rase, religii etc este interzis. Limbajul indecent este si el interzis. RESPECTA-I PE CEI DIN JUR. PENALIZARE in functie de gravitatea situatiei penalizarea incepe de la GAG 10-20 minute si poate ajunge pana la BAN PERMANENT. [ 15 ] Impartirea informatiilor personale ale jucatorilor este interzisa. PENALIZARE BAN PERMANENT [ 16 ] Spamul excesiv este interzis. PENALIZARE GAG 10-20 Minute. [ 17 ] REGULA DE AUR: SA VA DISTRATI! TOT CE NE DORIM ESTE UN JOC CURAT INTRE JUCATORII NOSTRI! NOTĂ: Administratorii pot adauga reguli în timpul jocului care nu exista in reguli. Aceste reguli create de admini au scopul de a echilibra jocul pentru a nu alunga jucătorii de pe server sau pentru a rezolva orice problema prezenta pe server. Dacă administratorii abuzează de acest lucru, vor fi pedepsiti.
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