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Realizările lui Curentz


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. UP !
  3. astept numărul tău de telefon în privat pentru a te băga în grup pe whatsapp
  4. A primit remove pentru inactivitate
  5. nu respecți modelul !
  6. Curentz


    You don't respect the model
  7. Te rog completează modelul cum trebuie
  8. If you got to read this topic, then it's very nasty. It means that you were caught playing on the server using cheats (aim/wall/speed...etc). Not only did you get banned, but you realized that using cheats, which instead of making you "good" make you play like a cucumber, being unable to rely on your own strengths. However, there is still the possibility to take it on the right path. How? Well, we are a united family, and we like to believe in second chances. Since you were caught playing with cheats, we cannot unban you through "Unban Request". But in order to avoid any conflicts, I opened this category so that you can win the well-deserved unban by paying a modest "small fee" of only 10 EURO How can this fee be paid? Well, this fee can be paid through the following methods: PayPal: PayPal: Revolut EURO: LT723250059870183767 Revolut RON: RO77BREL0005514884020100 Revolut PROFILES: @alexanbs58 Paysafecard code After paying the payment, you will leave a topic with the title "[Tax] Name" and fill in the following model: Your Real Name: Your name by server: What code did you play with?: Who did you pay to?:
  9. Curentz


    Daca ai ajuns sa citesti acest topic, atunci e foarte nasol. Inseamna ca ai fost prins jucand pe server folosind cheat-uri(aim/wall/speed...etc). Nu numai ca ai primit ban, dar ti-ai dat seama ca folosind cheat-uri, care in loc sa te faca "bun" te fac sa joci ca un castravete, fiind incapabil sa te bazezi pe propriile forte. Totusi inca mai exista posibilitatea s-o iei pe drumul cel bun. Cum? Ei bine noi suntem o familie unita, si ne place sa credem in a doua sansa. Din moment ce ai fost prins jucand cu cheat-uri nu iti putem da unban prin "Cererea de unban". Insa pentru a evita orice conflicte, am deschis aceasta categorie pentru a va putea castiga unban-ul bine meritat prin plata unei "mici taxe" modice de doar 10 EURO Cum se poate achita aceasta taxa? Ei bine aceasta taxa se poate achita prin metodele urmatoare: PayPal: PayPal: Revolut EURO:LT723250059870183767 Revolut RON:RO77BREL0005514884020100 Revolut PROFILE: @alexanbs58 Cod Paysafecard Dupa achitarea platii, veti lasa un topic cu titlul "[Taxa] Nume" si veti completa cu modelul urmator: Numele tau Real: Numele tau dupa server : Cu ce cod ai jucat?: La cine ai facut plata?:
  10. please respect the model that Cosmin made in the campaign and complete it accordingly THANK YOU
  11. I'm waiting for PM with NICK and Password for the admin and to do your activity when you grow in the admin you have to make a banlist with evidence
  12. I'm waiting for PM with NICK and Password for the admin and to do your activity when you grow in the admin you have to make a banlist with evidence
  13. Astept PM cu nick și pass
  14. nu respecți modelul
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