[1]. Name :Kennet [2]. Nick Server : used to be KUKK now its sibulx since had problems with VIP and had to change it[3]. Age : 16 [4]. LeveL : 16[5]. Hours played [Click here]: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/zm.leaguecs.ro:27015/top_players/?query=sibulx https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/zm.leaguecs.ro:27015/top_players/?query=KUKK [6]. Did you read the rules ? : yea Zm#LeagueCS[7]. Why do you want admin ? : Because i am pretty active and i feel i can help the community also i speak English fluently that could also help out a bit[8]. How well do you know English? 10/10 ig cuz i speak it fluently