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    Republica Boliviană Venezuela

3 Urmăritori

Despre Maz1mo

  • Dată Naștere 07.06.1995

Câmpuri de profil

  • Titlul de membru

Configurații server

  • Server & Games

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422 citiri profil

Realizările lui Maz1mo


BRONZE II (5/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. I been saw you on server for a while, helping another players, making respect the rules and having a good attitude. You got a PRO from me.
  2. You don't have enough hours, the minimum for apply as admin is 50h, and you've 21h. •Also, i banned you two time recently for use ability and no attacking and camp when you're zombie, seems you just keep alive for answer the math quest on the server. I suggest you, read again and respect all the rules, help another players and come back after 14 days. Contra for the moment.
  3. I'm gonna give you a pro because I've seen you showing interest in the server and I haven't seen you breaking the rules. But, you must increase activity. Good luck !
  4. I been see you on the server, you've good activity, respect the rules, and also you are respectful with everyone. Pro. Good luck!
  5. Maz1mo

    Banlist Mazimo

    [1] Nick server: levani [2] IP and Steam ID : IP: / SteamID: STEAM_1:0:1500317035 [3] Reason: advice [4] Proof: [5] Date and ban duration: Permanent [6] Details: -
  6. Maz1mo

    Banlist Mazimo

    [1] Nick server: NjeriPrejDheut [2] IP and Steam ID : IP: [3] Reason: advice [4] Proof: [5] Date and ban duration: Permanent [6] Details: -
  7. Increase activity. Pro.
  8. Maz1mo

    Banlist Mazimo

    [1] Nick server: sara [2] IP and Steam ID : IP: SteamID: STEAM_1:0:974147456 [3] Reason: Cheats [4] Proof: [5] Date and ban duration: Permanent [6] Details: -
  9. Pro. Good luck!
  10. Very active Player, i been saw you following the rules and helping another players, you deserve the chance ! PRO. Success!
  11. Is very soon for apply here, increase your activity, make some hours, involve much in server and we'll see later. Contra for the moment
  12. I will give a Pro cause you're a good admin, but increase activity soon as possible! Good luck!
  13. You have low activity on the server. Also, there are at least two people using your nickname. I suggest you solve that and register your account and we'll see later. Contra for the moment.
  14. Pro. Don't make me regret !
  15. Maz1mo

    [ZM] salut

    Hello! Incomplete format. You didn't read the rules yet. This is the second request in same day, please i invite you to read the requeriments to apply. Go back after 14 days with a new request, don't make more request. Contra.
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