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Orice postat de Cekodok321

  1. There's one kid tryna steal my name before I register to panel he keep use my name and probably he making that post. Give me a chance and justice about this
  2. [1]. Name : Rizz Tayson [2]. Nick Server : A d a m [3]. Age : 20 [4]. LeveL : 19 [5]. Hours played [Click here]: [6]. Did you read the rules ? : "Zm#LeagueCS" [7]. Why do you want admin ? : I have experience being an admin before and my objective is to help the server keep safe from hacker/abuser and can get online anytime when there's no admin joining the server [8]. How well do you know English?: 7/10 still can improve it
  3. Your real name: Ray Michael Your CS name: A d a m Steam_id: STEAM_1:1:613451635 How old are you?: 20 Your objective?: To help the server I can get online anytime if there's no admin in server that time Time dedicated to activity: around 5 hours Experience as an admin (and since when you have been playing counter-strike: I've been playing cs since 5 years and I have the experience being an admin before What is the reason for applying as an admin?: To make sure the server is safe from the player who is hacking in game How do you see yourself? (Describe yourself): My name is Ray Michael, I'm 20 years old, I like to spend time on playing games and traveling. Such a friendly person and be kind to others Have you read our rules? (Keyword)O Berica
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