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Realizările lui azizazertyuij


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. pro Increase activity
  2. [1] Name: Tony [2]:Server name : Tony. [3]Age: 19-- 2005/06/08 [4] Level : 15 [5]did you read the rules: "zmfoda" [6]: gamer tracker: [7]:Why do you want be admin?: to help the server like to prevent players to break the rules If the other admins are unavailable And help them with things that are difficult for them in the server.
  3. Da, am uitat că am nevoie de două săptămâni pentru a face o nouă cerere. Îmi pare rău( ignora-mip oza de profil)
  4. [1] Name: Tony [2]:Server name : Tony. [3]Age: 19-- 2005/06/08 [4] Level : 11 [5]did you read the rules: "zmfoda" [6]: gamer tracker: ( I hit the 50hours) [7]:Why do you want be admin?: to help the server like to prevent players to break the rules If the other admins are unavailable And help them with things that are difficult for them in the server.
  5. that's my new acc not my mine my mine is this: and my alr is this :
  6. Name: Tony Nick server:Tony LeveL:16 IP:(idk ip of what) SteamID: i dont have steam im playing on cs1.6 version Name of the admin who banned you :Cizmă Bă The reason you received ban: i stole vip and used it for 4 days before you banned me (i rlly didn't know my bank acc got stoled trust me with that cuz its true Proof ( video / photo / demo ) : you already know me you can see our text on my mine hm_tony_zm Mentions ( Details ) : i dont know what's that mean sir srry "its okay if you didn't unban me i just want to apologize to you sir "and if you unbanned me i will owe you my life bc that's my fav server "and also i got very tired when im leveling up im rly regret it .Don't say anything bad about me pls I will accept it if the answer is no thanks for you're time"
  7. [1]. Name : Tony [2]. Nick Server : Tony [3]. Age : 18 [ 4]. LeveL : 16 [5]. Hours played [Click here]: [6]. Did you read the rules ? : "Zm#LeagueCS" [7]. Why do you want admin ? : FOR help server [8]. How well do you know English?: 10/10
  8. [1]. Name : Tony [2]. Nick Server : Tony [3]. Age : 18 [ 4]. LeveL : 14 [5]. Hours played [Click here]: [6]. Did you read the rules ? : "Zm#LeagueCS" [7]. Why do you want admin ? : FOR help server [8]. How well do you know English?: 10/10
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