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  1. im waiting for exb opinion bcs i cant understand why he ban u and sino dhont to ban list so i cant see video
  2. contra u have low activity i dhont see u in server for a month
  3. thnx but why i removed from admin i want to now that i buy steam yesterday i want to now why i removed from admin?
  4. ★ Real Name:Kamran ★ Nickname:THODA BG ★ Age (minimum 17):20 ★ Admin Experience [Very Good/Good/Average]:very good ★ Day/Night Admin?:day/night ★ In what time interval can you admin?:all time ★ STEAM (ON/OFF):on ★ WARGOD TEST :i dhont have ★ Why do you want Admin?: to help ★ Are you aware that if you deviate from the rules you get Remove/Down?:yes ★ Have you read the Regulations?:is there such a thing?
  5. Acest post nu poate fi afișat deoarece este într-un forum protejat de parolă. Introdu parolă
  6. ok all want gave u pro pro reclama anyone say pro reclama i want that
  7. ur blind i think he just spamming zm attack or saly 6 7 time and he saying zm attack or slay thoda !! u rly to much blind when i gag zuky ur not playing so stop lying
  8. i gag u bcs u spamming zm attack or saly i said u no spam but u no lisson to me and i gag u and wary2k accept him i am happy to wary2k for do this very very
  9. pro my all to favorite admin
  10. u do brillion trillion attempt but u cant get admin bcs u want do admin request not send msg for admin
  11. dhont make 2 request in a day
  12. ★ Nickname:THODA BG ★ Age:20 ★ SteamID:1904816552 0 01:38 141 0 ★ GameTracker link with hours (required):im to much try to find it but i cant find it ★ What is the key word in the regulation?is there such a thing? ★ Can you enter TeamSpeak? ( REBELII Channel):yes steam on/off on
  13. 1. read the rules 2. u want do request after 14 days dhont make 2 request in a day
  14. Acest post nu poate fi afișat deoarece este într-un forum protejat de parolă. Introdu parolă
  15. its not a lie and if u im lying so i show u braking rules much time and if i dhont see so mojisky see it and slasher too
  16. i gave u contra bcs i show u 1 player is vip gaving u vip gun bcs u begining it
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