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    ,,Admin application format"

Configurații server

  • Server & Games

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143 citiri profil

Realizările lui Nickhain


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Admin request model [1]. Name :Dato [2]. Nick Server :Datoxain [3]. Age :17 [4]. LeveL :20 [5]. Hours played [Click here]: [6]. Did you read the rules ? :"Zm#LeagueCS" [7]. Why do you want admin ? :i love help to peoples and solve their problems. [8]. How well do you know English?:10/10 Wells !!! Admin Requirements:
  2. Admin request model [1]. Name :Dato [2]. Nick Server :Datoxain [3]. Age :17 [4]. LeveL :20 [5]. Hours played [Click here]: [6]. Did you read the rules ? : "Zm#LeagueCS" . [7]. Why do you want admin ? :because i love help to peoples and solve their problems [8]. How well do you know English?:Well 10/10 !!! Admin Requirements
  3. Admin request model [1]. Name :Dato[2]. Nick Server :Datoxain [3]. Age :17 [4]. LeveL :19 [5]. Hours played [Click Here (]: [6]. Did you read the rules ? :"Zm#LeagueCS" . [7]. Why do you want admin ? :Because i like to help people and i can manage. i have experience [8]. How well do you know English?:Well 10/10
  4. Admin request model [1]. Name :Dato [2]. Nick Server :Datoxain [3]. Age :17 [4]. LeveL :19 [5]. Hours played []: [6]. Did you read the rules ? : "Zm#LeagueCS" . [7]. Why do you want admin ? :i can help peoples and solve their problems and i like it. [8]. How well do you know English?:10/10 !!! Admin Requirements: 1. You must have played at least 30 hours on the server. 2. The minimum age to apply for admin is 16 years. - If you do not meet these requirements, your application will be REJECTED ! ! Every person must have Discord app installed on PC/Mobile !
  5. [1]. Name :Dato [2]. Nick Server :Datoxain [3]. Age :17 [4]. LeveL :19 [5]. Hours played []: [6]. Did you read the rules ? :"Zm#LeagueCS" . [7]. Why do you want admin ? : I have experience in this business and I can spend 9 hours a day in this game and I love to help people and solve their problems [8]. How well do you know English?: Well
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