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Orice postat de SeaWeed

  1. I called him dumb over a mistake he did , also i don`t think that beeing called "dumb" is such an insult that you need to gag someone
  2. Name of the complainant : RECLAMATIE Mazimo Name of the complained admin : Mazimo Reason : gag nejustificat Period of ban ( if appropiate ) : Proof ( video/photo/demo) :
  3. [1]. Name : Alex [2]. Nick Server : SeaWeed [3]. Age : 19 [4]. LeveL : 14 [5]. Hours played [ ] : 35 [6]. Did you read the rules ? : Zm#LeagueCS [7]. Why do you want admin ? : Imi doresc sa ajut comunitatea atat prin respectarea regulilor cat si prin mentinerea linisti in randul playerilor . Consider ca daca eu trebuie sa respect regulile si pot sa le respect , orice player ar trebui sa le respecte si sa le urmeze. In plus doresc sa aduc in atentia staff-ului anumiti playeri care nu respecta regulile serverului cat nu sunt admini on. [8]. How well do you know English?: Am luat cursuri de engleza inca de mic , nivel B2 la bac
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