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Manager Server
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1 Urmăritor

Despre mario1x

  • Dată Naștere 01.07.2007

Câmpuri de profil

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Configurații server

  • Server & Games

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236 citiri profil

Realizările lui mario1x


IRON III (3/25)

  • 1 an de LeagueCS

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Reputație Comunitate

  1. Campanie Helper: Oferim 20 helper free, tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa completati modelul de mai jos, dati reply la topic nu faceti topic separat! Model: Nick: Varsta: Timp disponibil: Experienta:
  2. Accepted !
  3. mai multe beri
  4. mario1x

    (DR) Fazan

    fazan. incepeti si voi
  5. oglinda de tractor
  6. Incep eu o tastatura
  7. mario1x

    (DR) Fazan

    Incep eu Deahtrun
  8. Ce mai faceti? Va place serverul?
  9. Model Reclamatie #> Nick: #> Nick admin reclamat: # > Contact (skype/steamID/altele) : #> Dovezi : (*) Doar Staff-ul poate vota PRO sau Contra Discord : sefumario Steam : Click Discord Server : Click
  10. Model Cerere Unban: #> Nick: # > Contact (skype/steamID/altele) : #> De ce ai luat ban : (*) Doar Staff-ul poate vota PRO sau Contra Discord : sefumario Steam : Click Discord Server : Click
  11. Cerinte minime pentru a depune o cerere de helper: # \> Sa aveti orele necesare pentru upgradeul dorit! # \> Completati tot modelul. Model Cerere Helper: #> Nick: # > Contact (skype/steamID/altele) : #> Varsta (minim 15 ani) : # > Experienta in admin (ani/luni) : #> De ce crezi ca meriti admin : #> Ai citit regulamentul ? : #> Linkul cu orele jucate : (*) Doar Staff-ul poate vota PRO sau Contra Discord : sefumario Steam : Click Discord Server : Click
  12. Model Cerere Slot: #> Nick: # > Contact (skype/steamID/altele) : Discord : sefumario Steam : Discord Server : Click
  13. Cerinte minime pentru a depune o cerere de helper: # \> Sa aveti 30 de ore jucate si cate o ora pe server zilnic, pentru a vedea orele acceseaza gametracker: Click! # \> Sa aveti cel putin 15 ani! # \> Completati tot modelul. Model Cerere Helper: #> Nick: # > Contact (skype/steamID/altele) : #> Varsta (minim 15 ani) : # > Experienta in admin (ani/luni) : #> De ce crezi ca meriti admin : #> Ai citit regulamentul ? : #> Linkul cu orele jucate : (*) Doar Staff-ul poate vota PRO sau Contra Discord : sefumario Steam : Click Discord Server : Click
  14. Staff List Dr.LeagueCS.Ro Mario - Detinator Alex - Moderator + VIP Barneey - Helper
  15. (*) Rules for ADMINS ! (*) 3 warning = REMOVE [1] The admin must be online on the server for at least 1 hour a day! [2] The map changes in the last 5 minutes! (unless they want players to change faster, in the last 10 minutes, amx_vote is given)! -> 1 WARNING [3] Do not abuse amx_say psay slap slay kick etc commands! -> 1 WARNING [4] The commands amx_say, amx_tsay, amx_csay, amx_vsay will only be used when an announcement is made! -> 1 WARNING [5] You are not allowed to give the admin to someone else, you are not allowed to sell it to someone else, the person who comes into his possession will receive permanent removal and money! [6] If there are more admins on the server, decisions are made by amx_chat (U @), not by yourself! -> 1 WARNING [7] If you care about the server, don't argue with each other. If he doesn't care, I won't care about you either! -> REMOVE [8] The admin is obliged to have an account on the forum and to post the problems he has etc! -> REMOVE [9] Nu aveti voie sa folositi comenzile pe un alt admin decat daca acesta este afk ! -> 1 AVERTISMENT [10] You are not allowed to set new rules during the game, the rules are only those written by me! -> 1 WARNING [11] Vulgar language is punished with gag (5-10 min.), Followed by ban (120 min.)! -> 1 WARNING [12] You are not allowed to gag 0 minutes, because the gag is on ip, and 0 minutes means permanent! -> 1 WARNING [13] You are not allowed to kick any player even if it is spec! -> 2 WARNING [14] No ban is given for hp taken, maximum slay! -> 1 WARNING [15] You are not allowed to take hp from the maps that allow this! -> 1 WARNING [16] Players are allowed to shorten! [17] If there are more than 2 admins who will duel with Tero, give the command amx_vote (ex: amx_vote Die x y z) or do the roulette! -> 1 WARNING [18] You are not allowed to kill the roulette player! -> 1 WARNING [19] To the question "I mention that I read the regulation" answer like this: Cuvant secret! [20] Admins who are complained about and do not respond to those complaints risk being removed very easily! -> 1 WARNING [21] It is forbidden to give the mop bind to players! -> REMOVE [22] You are not allowed to give the Admins Only password to anyone, only if it is a new admin you are allowed to tell u @ or in private, otherwise -> REMOVE [23] Admins who are complained about and do not respond to those complaints risk being removed very easily! -> 1 WARNING [24] You are not allowed to use amx_pika elsewhere! -> REMOVE + PERMANENT BAN + PROHIBITION [25] Each admin is required to have a Discord account and be in the server group -> [26] You are required to log in to our Discord server-> REMOVE [27] You are not allowed to kill T if he uses the / free command or announces! -> 1 WARNING [28] Each admin is obliged to post any money in the Ban-List on the forum -> 1 WARNING [29] You will not vote in vain, eg amx_vote "What are you doing?" -> 1 WARNING [30] Those with Detinator degree are not allowed to give players points in vain, only in case of events! -> DOWN 1 GRAD [31] While you are on the server, you must log in to TeamSpeak! -> 1 WARNING (*) Rules for VIPs ! (*) 3 warning = REMOVE [1] The golden rule: common sense! [2] The silver rule: If you are a V.I.P, you also have benefits but you also have admin duties! [3] Do not use weapons /hp during the duel! -> 1 WARNING [4] You are not allowed to sell your account, the person who comes into possession of it will receive permanent removal and money! [5] You are obliged to give up your weapon! -> 2 WARNING [6] Whoever is not present when they are present will receive remove! [7] You are not allowed to leave TERO! -> 1 WARNING [8] You are not allowed 2 VIPS on TERO! -> 1 WARNING [9] You are not allowed to take hp from the maps that allow this! -> REMOVE [10] Those who do not have an account on the forum, risk removing them! [11] The map changes in the last 5 minutes! (unless they want players to change faster, in the last 10 minutes, amx_vote is given)! -> 1 WARNING [12] You are not allowed to kick any player even if it is spec! -> 2 WARNING [13] HP button binding ( /vmenu with menuselect) is prohibited! -> REMOVE [14] The password can be changed within common sense -> (4 times a month) ! [15] Keep the language as appropriate as possible! -> 1 WARNING [16] VIPs that are complained of and do not respond to those complaints risk being removed very easily. [17] If there are more than 2 VIPIs who want to duel with Tero, give the command amx_vote (ex: amx_vote Die x y z) or roulette -> 1 WARNING [18] You are not allowed to kill the roulette player! -> 1 WARNING [19] Any high-ranking admin from the Co-Owner upwards if he receives unknowingly removal or has committed certain misconduct repeatedly round without giving him the weapon, given that the VIP has semi-unlimited hp), has the right to donate 5e within 2 days to regain access. The offer expires after 2 days. [20] Those who have access to the "grab" command are not allowed to abuse it in any way! -> DOWN -2 GRADE [21] You are not allowed to use the "Chungus" skin during the duel. -> 1 WARNING [22] You are required to log in to our Discord server-> REMOVE [23] You are not allowed to kill T if he uses the / free command or announces! -> 1 WARNING (*) Rules for Players! [1] You are not allowed to advertise on other servers or invite X on the Y server - ban permanently! [2] Do not stress the administration. [3] Any complaint to an admin must be posted on the forum including proof, otherwise it is not taken into account. [4] Vulgar language is punished with a 5-10 minute gag, followed by a 120 minute ban. [5] No I didn't know !!! [6] You are not allowed to take hp from maps that allow this. - slay [7] Whoever sits on the field and holds the game in place for various reasons (eg: wants a duel, wants to be passed in a hurry, etc.) receives a slay. [9] You are not allowed to use rope / tape in a duel - slay. [10] Whoever asks for HOOK in spam will receive a gag, followed by kick / ban for 10 minutes! ' [11] You are not allowed to play the invisibility / glow / speed / gravity / jetpack / noclip / long jump duel. - slay (*) General Rules ! [1] Multi Rope - Prohibited, to avoid increasing the ping on the server - warning/ban 500 minutes [2] The Detinator degree is the highest and has the right to execute orders on the lower degrees (Attention - it is applied only in cases where it starts to make a fuss, banish players for no reason, etc.)! [3] STAFF members who are caught having admin or vip on another server, will receive removal without discussion! [4] The regulation can be changed at any time! If you are sanctioned, it is not my fault that you do not enter the forum! [5] Mistakes made will be punished according to their severity! [6]Attention DR.LEAGUECS.RO and the Server Administration do not answer the costs made to someone else! [7] Try not to circumvent the rules !!!
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