[1]. Name : Anis
[2]. Nick Server : Anis_Dz
[3]. Age : 16
[4]. LeveL : 13
[5]. Hours played : 31.5 ( In only two days.. i can play more ) https://www.gametracker.com/player/Anis_Dz/zm.leaguecs.ro:27015/
[6]. Did you read the rules ? :Yes i did. (Zm#LeagueCS)
[7]. Why do you want admin ? : Because i think i had enough experience to help new players and
admins in commands etc..
I have 5 years experience in admin i've been co owner in alot of servers .. i know there is enough admins in the server
and maybe more than enough.. but the special thing about my self that im so active.
[8]. How well do you know English?: Pretty good, i can speak with people easily with english.