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    Macedonia de Nord

Orice postat de akamnaroski7@gmail.c

  1. [1]. Name :Aleksandar 2]. Nick Server : AcKaaa [3]. Age :17 [4]. LeveL :16 [5]. Hours played : 50+ : [6]. Did you read the rules ? Zm#LeagueCS [7]. Why do you want admin ? :Bcs i want feir play and a lot of players dont read rules and i want to change it [8]. How well do you know English?: I know werry well..
  2. [1]. Name :Aleksandar 2]. Nick Server : AcKaaa [3]. Age :17 [4]. LeveL :16 [5]. Hours played : 50+ : [6]. Did you read the rules ? :yes [7]. Why do you want admin ? :Bcs i want feir play and a lot of players dont read rules and i want to change it [8]. How well do you know English?: I know werry well..
  3. 1]. Name : Aleksandar [2]. Nick Server : AcKaaa [3]. Age : 17 [4]. LeveL : 17 [5]. Hours played : 60h [6]. Did you read the rules ? : Yes [7]. Why do you want admin ? : To help server and help players to get all informations about our server<3 [8]. How well do you know English?: 9/10
  4. [1]. Name : Aleksandar [2]. Nick Server : AcKaaa [3]. Age : 17 [4]. LeveL : 15 [5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] : 42h [6]. Did you read the rules ? : yes [7]. Why do you want admin ? : I want bcs its much fun to have some rank on server and normal to make game more fun :D! [8]. How well do you know English?: 9/10
  5. [1]. Name :Aleksandar [2]. Nick Server :AcKaaa [3]. Age :17 [4]. LeveL :14 [5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] : 31h [6]. Did you read the rules ? :Yes! [7]. Why do you want admin ? : I want it becouse sometimes players make shi*s on server and when i say dont do it he ignor me but when im admin he will stop doing it [8]. How well do you know English?: 9/10
  6. [1]. Name : Aleksandar [2]. Nick Server : AcKaaa [3]. Age : 17 [4]. LeveL : 11 [5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] : 16-17 [6]. Did you read the rules ? : Yes [7]. Why do you want admin ? : I need it bcs a lot of player make sh*ts on server and just for fun<3 [8]. How well do you know English?: I know 8/10 :d
  7. Best ZM server i had ever seen Come to spend some time with us!
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