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Orice postat de Adrianz

  1. Adrianz

    Create admin

    y'all either on crack or just dumb, im propably older then y'all in this server and as i told you im not responsible for kids who use my nickname in game and get admin on other sv ,if thats the problem its clear already
  2. Adrianz

    Create admin

    there's other humans exists other then us ? who play with whatever name they like ? on any server they want?
  3. Adrianz

    Create admin

    as i said i used to play on this sv if i spend all that 130 hour playing on this server and last month didnt play that means i got life on other hand , playing on other zm servers has nothing to do with that
  4. [1]. Name : Avery [2]. Nick Server : ADYNUTZALOVECS [3]. Age : 19 [4]. LeveL : 19 [5]. Hours played : 130h [6]. Did you read the rules ? :yes(Zm#LeagueCS) [7]. Why do you want admin ? : as you see i been playing this server for too long just for fun ,but now im more intrested in being admin since its my favourite server [8]. How well do you know English?: pretty understandable ,decent speaking
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