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Orice postat de SicraN

  1. Probabil ai prins IP bannat. Copiază datele de la ban information când te conectezi la server și pune-le aici.
  2. Pro.
  3. SicraN


    I will give you a chance because you have good activity on the server and you are always on the discord server. Pro.
  4. SicraN

    Banlist SicraN

    [1] Nick server : ossama ben laden [2] IP si Steam ID : STEAM_1:1:1656307248 / [3] Motiv : bunny hop script [4] Dovada : [5] Durata banului : 69 zile [6] Alte detalii : - [1] Nick server : {UNDERTAKER} . . . [2] IP si Steam ID : STEAM_1:1:916086429 / [3] Motiv : unbreakable lasermine [4] Dovada : [5] Durata banului : 30 min [6] Alte detalii : e prins pe acelasi demo cu ban-ul de mai sus
  5. Pro.
  6. Pro.
  7. Prea devreme pentru up. Ai putin peste 2 saptamani, deci momentan contra.
  8. SicraN


    I didn't see you on the server so I don't know if you are a mature individual in the first place. You do have pretty good activity on the server, but I still don't know if you are capable of managing such responsability. Come back with a request in 2 weeks. For now, against.
  9. SicraN

    helper request

    I will give you a chance because I didn't see you breaking the rules, even though you stay afk too much. So be aware of this and don't do this anymore. Pro.
  10. SicraN

    Admin request.

    You have to be more active on the server. Its too soon for an admin request. Come back with a request in 2 weeks. Against, just for now.
  11. Intri mai la 2-3 zile asa, dar stai foarte multe ore, deci ai activitate mai mult decat suficienta. Pe langa asta avem baza pe tine pentru ca esti matur si ai cunostintele necesare. Pro.
  12. Unjustified complaint. You insult admin or anybody else on the server, you get gag/ban depending on the situation. Against complaint / Contra reclamatie.
  13. SicraN

    Banlist SicraN

    [1] Nick server : . (punct) [2] IP si Steam ID : STEAM_1:0:569880539 / [3] Motiv : Speed hack [4] Dovada : [5] Durata banului : Permanent [6] Alte detalii : Demo-ul e lung ca am uitat sa-l opresc si sa pornesc altul dupa ultima mapa.
  14. SicraN


    I don't understand anything from your request since you didn't respect the model. Look at other requests and see how they made them. Against.
  15. SicraN

    Banlist SicraN

    [1] Nick server : STALKER0046 [2] IP si Steam ID : STEAM_1:1:173505472 [3] Motiv : long lasermine multiple times [4] Dovada : [5] Durata banului : 120 min [6] Alte detalii : -
  16. SicraN


    Buna dimi ziua
  17. [1]. Nume: Andrei Narcis [2]. Nick server: SicraN [3]. Varsta: 26 [4]. LeveL: 22 [5]. Gradul actual: Administrator [6]. Ore jucate [Apasa aici]: 301 - [7]. Link de la ultima cerere: [8]. De ce doresti upgrade?: Majoritatea oamenilor aspira la mai mult, nu? - Confucius
  18. SicraN

    Cerere up zuky

  19. Nu este cam devreme? Adica ai 4 zile de activitate in ultima luna. Contra, momentan.
  20. Pro.
  21. Pro.
  22. I'll give you a try because you are active on the server. Pro.
  23. SicraN

    admin request

    Your activity on the server is fine and I don't remember you breaking the rules. I'll give you a try. Be more active on the server. Pro.
  24. Pro, because you have potential, but you have to read the rules more often so you know what you have to do.
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