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3 Urmăritori

Despre foadel

  • Dată Naștere 21.12.1995

Configurații server

  • Server & Games

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803 citiri profil

Realizările lui foadel



  • 2 ani de LeagueCS
  • 1 an de LeagueCS

Insigne recente


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Numele d-vs: Andrei Eduard IP server: DNS: BB.LEAGUECS.RO Tipul jocului (CS:GO, CS 1.6, SAMP): CS 1.6 Modul serverului: Base Builder Număr de sloturi: 24 Firmă găzduire: Neoserver Deținători Principali (numele de pe forum): foadel Deținători Secundari (numele de pe forum): - Link Adresa de contact (mail, facebook, steam): Discord: foadd / Mail: Recomandat de (numele persoanei care va recomandat forum-ul)*: Nimeni.
  2. HALLOWEEN UPDATE Hello everyone! As you know, it's not long until we are going to celebrate Halloween. Our server got an update (Halloween related) and here you can see some details about it. This update contains: pumpkins - of course! (environmental) more pumpkins!! (when a player dies, there is a 50% chance to spawn) anyone can collect it and get a prize (chest, credits, coins, XP, HP, special weapons) new skins (including weapons & player models) new sounds event weapons & more We hope you will enjoy this update! Happy Halloween and have fun!
  3. foadel

    [BB] Rules

    Basic Rules 1. If you play on this server you are expected to know its rules. These rules are for everyone and every player has to agree them. 2. Swearing others, being racist or homophobic is not tolerated. Behave yourself! 3. Scripts and Cheats are not allowed on this server. Any software that offers you an advantage that others can not benefit is forbidden. 4. Abusing Bugs is not allowed. If you found a bug you have to report it as soon as you can. Abusing it will result in a ban on this server. 5. Do not retry for team change. Just ask admins for a swap and if they consider that you worth to be swapped they will swap you. 6. Your name has to be a decent one. Search for names that does not contains vulgarity or racism. 7. Advertising is forbidden. Do not advertise other sites or servers as long as you play here. 8. Spamming will result in a mute or even a ban on this server. Zombie Rules 1. As a zombie you have to attack bases as much as you can. Having less than 3 deaths as a zombie reduces your chances to play as builder. 2. Do not block base entrance by body-blocking. (revive/kick/ban) 3. Zombies are not allowed to stay in a base with a builder without attacking him. (kick) Builder Rules 1. Free-Shot (FS) is not allowed (swap/kick/ban). Any shoot as a builder in a zombie that is not in builder's base area is considered as free-shot (FS) and is punishable. 2. Free-Run (FR) is not allowed (swap/kick/ban). Free-Run is when a builder has not any base and runs on the map to escape Zombies. 3. Base-blocking is not allowed (kick/ban). If a builder blocks the entry of his base by any means (i.e. - body-blocking) it's considered Base-blocking. 4. Do not even try to block the way that zombies are using for getting out from their base. (ban) 5. You are not allowed to introduce your blocks in other bases unless you are a team with someone that agrees this. (kick/ban) 6. Using other weapons than the default ones when you are a team with someone else is forbidden. (swap/kick/ban) You are allowed to use every weapon you want as long as you are alone in the base. 7. When two or more zombies are attacking your base you are expected to shoot the first zombie. (swap/kick/ban) No matter what your base type is, just shoot the first zombie. 8. Do not request help without a reason. (kick/ban) Base Rules & Limits 1. Surf bases are not allowed. 2. Number of LAYERS in a base depends by how many players are in a base & player weapon type, as following : - 1 player = 4 layers (using DEFAULT WEAPON) - 1 player = 3 layers (using ANY WEAPON) - 2 players = 2 layers (using DEFAULT WEAPONS) - 3 players = 1 layer (using DEFAULT WEAPONS) 3. Number of EDGES in a base depends by how many players are in a base & player weapon type, as following : - 1 player = 2 edges (using DEFAULT WEAPON) - 1 player = 1 edges (using ANY WEAPON) - 2 players = 1 edges (using DEFAULT WEAPONS) - 3 players = NOT ALLOWED Admin Rules 1. Abusing is not tolerated. (remove/ban) 2. Being an admin on this server is not a benefit. It is a responsibility and you have to respect all the rules from this topic. (remove) 3. Do not use noclip or move blocks to pass your base. You have to pass your base like the zombies are expected to. (warn/demote/remove)
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