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5 Urmăritori

Despre Inkyzz.

  • Dată Naștere 02.08.2001

Configurații server

  • Server & Games

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Realizările lui Inkyzz.


SILVER II (8/25)

  • 2 ani de LeagueCS
  • 1 an de LeagueCS

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Reputație Comunitate

  1. - AM ADAUGAT Server Update Adaugate peste 20 de iconite in TAB pentru jucatorii VIP LEVEL 4 ( Adaugate 9 cutite de tip M9 Bayonet la Arme Premium. Showcase: Sistemul de gift a fost schimbat, acum sunt 3 tipuri de gift-uri. Gift-ul cu model de coins, sansa 20% de drop, ofera 150 credite. Gift-ul cu model de crystal, sansa 20% de drop, ofera 15 XP. Gift-ul cu model de purple diamond, sansa 1% de drop, ofera VIP LEVEL 2 timp de 120 de minute (in cazul in care aveti deja un VIP pe cont, nu il veti primi). Toate gift-urile au un lifetime de 15 secunde din momentul in care au fost date la drop dupa kill.
  2. Update - Video Uploadat pe youtube cu serverul si modul ! Aici
  3. Pluginuri : abner_round_end_sound.smx - admin-flatfile.smx - adminhelp.smx adminmenu.smx aimbot.smx alwaysweapons.smx antiflood.smx armas_zeus_v31.smx autoprecacheparticles.smx autozspawn.smx basebans.smx basechat.smx basecomm.smx basecommands.smx basetriggers.smx basevotes.smx buttonwatcher.smx buyzonesimulator.smx cannounce_mamac.smx clientprefs.smx csgo_gore.smx csgo_playedtime.smx CsGoFlashlight.smx CSGOJoinTeamFix.smx ctm_scolor.smx custom-chatcolors.smx DevDisplay.smx DisableGameSounds.smx drapi_ammo.smx easy_spec_r.smx edictoverflowprevention.smx exec.smx fuego_slow.smx funcommands.smx funvotes.smx game_player_equip.smx ameuifix.smx glow_buttons.smx graphic_rotation.smx inf_knockback_hook.smx inf_slowdown.smx kaka.smx knockback.smx knockbackfix.smx laser_aim.smx laserz.smx low_ammo.smx mapchooser_extended.smx mirror_csgo.smx napalmlagfix.smx nextmap.smx nick_reward.smx noblock.smx nominations_extended.smx OvCAutomaticMessages.smx particleprecacher.smx playercommands.smx radiospamblock.smx reservedslots.smx respawn.smx.disabled retryonrestart.smx rockthevote_extended.smx saysounds.smx selfMute.smx showdamage_victim.smx shownick.smx simple-chatprocessor.smx sm_block_plugins.smx sm_teleport.smx sounds.smx sprites_icon_head.smx steam_group_credits.smx stopmusic.smx store.smx store-vip-credits.smx teamlogos.smx tefullalltalk.smx thirdperson.smx togconsolecolors.smx toggle_w_sounds_clientprefs.smx token_auto_updater.smx voicerooms.smx vpp_adverts.smx WebShortcuts.smx webshortcuts_csgo.smx zm_teleportfix.smx zombie_health_overlay.smx zombiereloaded.old zombiereloaded.smx ZombieSpawnFix-prod.smx zr_forceteams.smx zr_grenade_effects.smx zr_grenadeboost.smx zr_hpbar.smx zr_overlay_tempfix.smx zr_push_grenade.smx zr_repeatkill.smx zr_tools.smx zr-mapcountdown.smx Info Addons-ul m-am gandit sa il fac in luna Iunie , si l-am terminat azi in Iulie 11.07.2023 -> Modul este 100% Functionabil . - > Pret : 50 Euro + Instalare si suport 5 zile in limita bunului simt ! - >metode plata : paypal/paysafecard/transferbancar Contact : Discord : _inkyz - Am rugamintea doar cei care au cunostintele necesare sa imi dea mesaj pentru addons-uri legate de CS:GO !
  4. Update server S-a adaugat urmatoarele : comanda - GetGift - Cadou zilnic cu vip sau credite . - Pacanele pe server !slots Comanda : Daily - Primesti credite zilnice 10k/20k credite zilnic accesand comanda !daily -> S-a adaugat Shop cu diferite Beneficii ( Upgrade ) - poti cumpara vip 1 saptamana credite si multe altele..
  5. @DeeA.dudu Da ti-am pus update-urile toate update-urile , e din partea mea
  6. Addons vandut cu succes , @DeeA.dudu Multumesc pentru increderea acordata . Dovezi : Click aici - Addons-ul inca este in vanzare .
  7. Salut , vand addons cs:go mod 1v1. Full Plugins ! Pluginurile care sunt pe server + mod [SM] Listing 69 plugins: 01 "Nextmap" ( by AlliedModders LLC 02 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC 03 "Basic Comm Control" ( by AlliedModders LLC 04 "SM Voice Amount" (v1.4.1) by Franc1sco steam: franug 05 <Failed> "RankMe" (3.0.3.Kento.25) by lok1, Scooby, pracc, Kento, Kxnrl 06 "ping" (1.0) by Hattrick HKS 07 <Failed> "Client Preferences" ( by AlliedModders LLC 08 "specmode" (2.0) by Hattrick HKS 09 "Death Broadcast" (1.00) by R3TROATTACK 10 "Basic Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC 11 "AFK Manager" (4.0.5) by Rothgar 12 <Failed> "CS:GO Multi1v1: flashbangs addon" (1.1.4) by splewis 13 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC 14 "[ANY] Voice Rooms" (0.3) by stretch 15 <Failed> "SM Franug Player Colors" (1.3) by Franc1sco franug 16 "Country Filter 2nd Edition" (2.0.4) by Bacardi 17 "Arena Kill Distance" (1.00) by hadesownage 18 "advertisements" (1.0) by Hattrick HKS 19 "noscopeyakala.smx" 20 "Anti-Micspam" (0.5) by FLOOR_MASTER and 21 "Simple Chat Processor (Redux)" (1.1.5) by Simple Plugins, Mini 22 TEMPFIX "tempfix_p.smx" 23 NewSkins "new_gloves_v2.smx" 24 <Error> "Store - The Resurrection" (1.0) by Zephyrus 25 "MapChooser Extended" (1.10.2) by Powerlord, Zuko, and AlliedModders LLC 26 <Error> "Rankme Spectate" (1.5.2) by wS (World-Source.Ru) + iEx 27 "Fun Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC 28 "Basic Ban Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC 29 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC 30 <Error> "Token Auto Updater" (1.3.1) by ˙·٠●Феникс●٠·˙ 31 "Fun Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC 32 <Error> "CS:GO Multi1v1: knife round addon" (1.1.4) by splewis 33 <Error> "CS:GO Multi1v1: headshot round addon" (1.0.0) by Bara 34 "Fake VAC kick" (1.01) by Invex | Byte 35 "CSGO: Restrict Names" (1.00) by hadesownage 36 <Failed> "[Multi-1v1] Challenge" (1.1.4) by Headline 37 "Auto NAV file creator" (1.0) by shavit 38 "VoiceAnnounceEx" (2.1.1) by Franc1sco franug, Mini and GoD-Tony 39 "SM File/Folder Downloader and Precacher" (1.4) by SWAT_88 40 "Web Shortcuts CS:GO version" (2.5) by Franc1sco franug and James "sslice" Gray 41 <Failed> "DR.API SHOW DAMAGE" (1.1.2) by Dr. Api 42 "Server Hud Logo" (2.2) by ReFlex 43 <Failed> "[CSGO] Hs Impact Effect" (1.5) by TonyBaretta 44 "Admin Menu" ( by AlliedModders LLC 45 <Failed> "Paintball" (1.2.0) by Team 46 "ghosts.smx" 47 "Player Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC 48 <Failed> "CS:GO Multi1v1" (1.1.5-dev) by splewis 49 <Failed> "Valve Sparys" (1.0) by hadesownage & franug 50 advertisments "acct" (1.0) by Hattrick HKS 51 "Played Time" (0.2) by cTm & Friends 52 "[ANY] Ban Disconnected Player" (2.0) by Headline, Original Plugin : mad_hamster 53 "Reserved Slots" ( by AlliedModders LLC 54 "Mirror" (1.0) by Franc1sco franug and Nanochip 55 "!SetRanks.smx" 56 "Sound Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC 57 "Updater" (1.3.0) by GoD-Tony (Updated by jballou) 58 <Failed> "[CS:GO] Fake Competitive Rank" (1.2) by Laam4 /iEx vip only edit 59 "HUD Write" (1.2) by Mithat Guner 60 "Basic Info Triggers" ( by AlliedModders LLC 61 "Easy Spectate" (0.0.1) by Tadeo 'Pichi' Cantuano 62 "CS:GO Admin ESP" (2.1) by Root 63 "Self-Mute" (1.0) by Otokiru 64 <Failed> "new_skins_v5.smx" 65 "Chat filter" (1.0) by Arkarr 66 "Last Connnect" (1.1) by dalto 67 "Server Info" (1.1.1) by EmreBulut 68 "[CSGO] Team Limit Bypass" (1.1) by Zephyrus 69 "Basic Chat" ( by AlliedModders LLC Pret : 25 Euro Instalare / 35 Euro Instalare full ( panel ). Metode : Paysafecard/Paypal/Transferbancar . - Ofer suport 5 zile in limba bunului simt!
  8. UPDATE - Am adaugat case opening pe server - Comenzi : case - Comenzi administrative : sm_give_casescredits "nick" "credite" - sm_cases_addcash "nick" "bani" - La final de mapa pica dropuri cum ar fi cutii / skins . UPDATE x2 - VIP NOU CU NOI GRUPE - - VIP SUPREME - - VIP ULTRA- - VIP SIMPLE - - VIP QUIZ - - > Fie care grupa are beneficiile lui .
  9. Buna , da mai este valabil
  10. Salut! Vand Addons MOD CS:GO , addons-ul a rulat la mine pe serverul ROMANIA.LEAGUECS.RO Pe server sunt URMATOARELE : -Shop cu diferite module ( skins / sounds / pets / trails .. etc etc .) -VIP Cu module Custom - MVP - ResetScore - Restrictie pe SITE-ul B la 5 vs 5 site-ul b va fi deblocat . - Round - Stats ( Arata Cine a castigat runda si cel mai bun jucator ) - Sunete cand faci kill . - Anti-Cheat ( Optional PANEL ) - Skin-uri Noi la VIP ( VIP T Code Mw2 , VIP CT HITMAN ) - Slots ( Pacanele ) - Roll ( Poti paria cu jucatorii x2 credite ) - Hud Text ( Afisaja mesaje hud ) - Skill HD groups ( Pentru ranks ) - Sank Sounds ( Sunete pentru admini / vip in chat . ) - Update SankSounds - ( Am refacut sursa adica doar de la Administrator in sus ai acces la sunete la fel si la vip , VIP DIAMOND nu are acces , VIP SUPREME are acces. ) - Sunete la intrare pe server ( Inspecial pentru admini si VIP ) . Grupe VIP & BENEFICII : VIP DIAMOND CU URMATOARELE -DIAMOND V.I.P BENEFICII Tag - [V.I.P DIAMOND] Tracers ElectroEffects - Effecte curent cand tragi HealtShot - Seringa de viata GrenadeTrails - Culori cand arunci o grenada NoSelfDamage - Nu ti iei damage cand cazi IconS - Iconita deasupra ta cu V.I.P MultiJump(x2) - Sari de 2x in sus Grenades Pack - Echipat cu full grenade /he/fb/molly/smoke/flash Defuser - Defuse (doar la ct) Armor 100 Armura Skins - Skin-uri la alegere din comanda !vip VIP SUPREME Beneficii Neon Culoarea care te inconjoara Received Damage 7% - Iei 7% din damage-ul dat. Caused Damage +5 - Ii dai +5 damage la adversar Spawn Effect Effect spawn cu diferite modele Sparks - Fulgere cand tragi GrenadeTrails Color GrenadeTrail - Culoare cand arunci grenada Hp Regeneration - Iti refaci viata automat cu 5% Tracers Color Tracer Chat Color Culoare in chat IconS V.I.P ICONITA DEASUPRA TA CU V.I.P HealthShot SERINGA VIATA Tag - TAG [ V.I.P SUPREME ] Electro Effect Effect de curent cand tragi Models Skin-uri VIP Sound VIP Sunete VIP Bullet Effect Impact bullet ( Il arunca pe adversar ) x2 Jump Sari de 2 ori BunnyHop Sarituri ca "iepurele" Fast Reload - Reincarcare rapida a armei Fast Plant - Plantare Rapida a bombei WeaponPack - Pack Arme AK 47 / M4A1 / M4A1-S / DEAGLE Defuser KIT DEFUSE Armor 110 ARMURA Grenades Grenade pack JoinSound VIP Sunete la conectarea vip-ului pe server UnlimiteAmmo Gloante infinite ( doar la reload ) BuyTeamWeapon Poti cumpara Arma pentru echipa ta. - - Contact me : Inkyz#7362 ( Discord ) sau Steam : - Pret Addons : 40 Euro + Instalare Panel Gratuita si Support 5 Zile in limita bunului SIMT ! - Metode : PayPal / PaySafeCard / TransferBancar !
  11. Pacat ca are vac , dar in rest e ok ... Spor la vanzare
  12. Salut sa imi dati un update la server adica sa -mi repui gametracker-ul  ca nu merge in parametrii normali. 

    1. Andt.


      @Inkyzz. Done , daca mai ai probleme te rog posteaza in forum management ! ❤️

  13. Produsul pe care mi l-as dori este :
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