BandiT Postat Iulie 7 Postat Iulie 7 (editat) Dupa cum spune si titlul vom face un mic giveaway iar premiile vor fi urmatorele : - x2 Licente cs 1.6 steam - x1 VIP Gold Totul a pornit de la @Paul. care a vrut sa faca un giveaway pentru doi dintre voi de pe serverul nostru, nu a specificat nici un nume, mi-a zis sa facem un mic concurs pentru a da sansa unora dintre voi care veti participa de a castiga acest "CADOU"putem spune. Daca paul e asa de generos m-am decis si eu sa dau un VIP Gold free, asa ca vor fi 3 persoane care vor castiga. Fiecare player va alege un numar de la 1 la 50 si il va posta aici in acest topic. Castigatori il vom alege printr-o tombola un simulator unde vom adauga toate numerele si va extrage unul random, deci toata lumea va avea sanse egale de castig. Voi filma extragerea ca sa nu credeti ca favorizez pe cineva si voi posta si filmuletul aici cand voi anunta castigatorul. Avem si o mica regula, cei cu VIP DIAMOND/PREMIUM/GOLD nu pot participa, nici cei care deja au licenta steam. NOTE : Inainte de alege numarul, verificati ca acel numar sa nu fie ales de altcineva inainte. Model postare : Nume : Numar : CS 1.6 LICENSE DA/NU : VIP GOLD DA/NU : Sa completati si casutele alea doua daca aveti steam puneti DA daca nu, nu la fel si cu vip dold daca aveti vip gold puneti da daca nu. NU. Va astept in numar cat mai mare, bafta tuturor. Multumim @Paul.pentru acest cadou. Eventul va tine 7 zile, incepe de azi 07-07-2024 pana Duminica 14-07-2024. As the title says, we will do a giveaway and the prize will be : - X2 CS 1.6 licence - X1 VIP Gold It all started from @Paul. who wanted to do a giveaway for two random players who playes in our sever, he didn't specify any name, he told me to do a small contest to give the chance to some of you who will participate to win this "GIFT" we can say. So i decide to give a free Vip Gold aswell, soo there will be 3 winners Each player will choose a number from 1 to 50 and post it here in this topic. We will choose the winners through a raffle, a simulator where we will add all the numbers and draw a random one, so everyone will have equal chances of winning. I will film the draw so you don't think I'm favoring someone and I'll also post the video here when I announce the winner. We have also a little rule, players with VIP DIAMOND/PREMIUM/GOLD and people who have already steam cs 1.6 license cannot participate. NOTE : Check before you choose a number, maybe the number you choosed is already taken. Post model : Name : Number : CS 1.6 LICENSE YES/NO : VIP GOLD YEES/NO : I'm waiting for you in as large a number as possible, good luck to everyone. Thank you @Paul. for this gift. The event will last 7 days, starting from today 07-07-2024 until Sunday 14-07-2024. Editat Iulie 10 de BandiT 4 2 2 1
Kradeca Postat Iulie 7 Postat Iulie 7 (editat) Name: Kradeca Number: 27 CS 1.6 LICENSE: NO VIP GOLD: NO Editat Iulie 15 de Kradeca 1 1
Alister Green Postat Iulie 7 Postat Iulie 7 (editat) Name: Alister Green Number: 2 CS 1.6 LICENSE YES/NO : yes VIP GOLD YES/NO : no Editat Iulie 10 de Alister Green 2 1
Ichigo Postat Iulie 7 Postat Iulie 7 (editat) Name: Ichigo Number: 42 CS 1.6 LICENCE YES/NO: No VIP GOLD YES/NO: No Editat Iulie 11 de Ichigo 1 1
gokusjj4 Postat Iulie 7 Postat Iulie 7 (editat) Name : goku Number : 33 CS 1.6 LICENSE yes/no : yes vip gold yes/no : no Editat Iulie 11 de gokusjj4 1
Fadnane_404 Postat Iulie 7 Postat Iulie 7 (editat) Name : Fadnane_404 Number : 11 CS 1.6 LICENSE YES/NO : yes VIP GOLD YEES/NO : no Editat Iulie 11 de Fadnane_404 2
Hello Hello Hello Postat Iulie 7 Postat Iulie 7 (editat) Name: Simon Number: 16 Cs 1.6 License Yes/No : No Vip Gold Yes/No : No Editat Iulie 10 de Hello Hello Hello 1
dralagendary Postat Iulie 8 Postat Iulie 8 (editat) Name : DragonLagendary | CS 1.6 Number : 32 Editat Iulie 8 de dralagendary 1 1
Nartics Postat Iulie 8 Postat Iulie 8 (editat) Nume : TaZzy Numar : 28 CS 1.6 LICENSE DA/NU : NU VIP GOLD DA/NU : DA Editat Iulie 15 de TaZzy 1
BandiT Postat Iulie 8 Autor Postat Iulie 8 Acum 10 ore, dralagendary a spus: Name : DragonLagendary | CS 1.6 Number : 32 your number is already taken
Markko1327 Postat Iulie 9 Postat Iulie 9 (editat) Name : Markko1323 Number : 31 CS 1.6 LICENSE YES/NO : NO VIP GOLD YES/NO : YES Editat Iulie 11 de Markko1327
dralagendary Postat Iulie 9 Postat Iulie 9 (editat) Name : DragonLagendary | CS 1.6 Number : 49 CS 1.6 LICENSE YES/NO : NO VIP GOLD YES/NO : NO Editat Iulie 14 de dralagendary i didnt see clearly
prohunter Postat Iulie 10 Postat Iulie 10 (editat) Name:prohunter Number:21 CS 1.6 LICENSE YES/NO : NO VIP GOLD YES/NO :YES Editat Iulie 11 de prohunter 1
BandiT Postat Iulie 10 Autor Postat Iulie 10 (editat) I updated the model and i added a new thing so edit your post and add this question aswell : CS 1.6 LICENSE YES/NO : VIP GOLD YES/NO : if you have steam say YES if you don.t have say NO, SAME FOR VIP GOLD. Editat Iulie 10 de BandiT 1 1
S3rG1UCs1.6 Postat Iulie 10 Postat Iulie 10 Nume : ^_S3rG1U_^ Numar : 23 CS 1.6 LICENSE DA/NU : Nu VIP GOLD DA/NU : NU
BandiT Postat Iulie 17 Autor Postat Iulie 17 Hello everybody, the GIVEAWAY ends today 17-07-2024, thank you everyone for your participation. As i said the winners will choosen randomly, so i use the SPIN WHEEL to find the winners, you will see in the video how the things works on. SOO THE WINNERS ARE : @JEDILEBA with number 34, he will get CS 1.6 License, CONGRATULATIONS. @Kradeca with number 27, he will get CS 1.6 License, CONGRATULATIONS. @Fadnane_404 with number 11, will get vip gold, CONGRATULATIONS. @Fadnane_404 contact me on discord : banditleaguecs to radeem your prize. @JEDILEBA and @Kradecacontact radeem your prizes. Video proof => Thanks @Paul. again for your contribution. Thank you all of you for your participations, we will see next time, when we will have another give away. 5 1 1
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